Permutations and combinations Society: Legal Problems of Sharing Economy

It is open the period for submission of abstracts of communications and posters to the International Conference "Permutations and combinations Society: Legal Problems of Collaborative Economy", with the deadline of July 15th , 2017

Candidates must register for the Conference and send a short résumé in addition to the abstract of the intervention or poster they wish to present. The working languages will be Portuguese, Spanish and English.

The papers should cover one of the following topics:
Theme I: Legal-labor problems of the sharing economy.
Theme II: Consumer protection in a sharing economy.
Theme III: Contractual conformations in the context of the sharing economy.
Theme IV: New means of financing in a sharing economy.

Poster: a poster introduces an initial or ongoing investigation, ideas and proposals to be presented, questioned or debated (proposal should not exceed two A4 pages).

Communications: Communications should include:
- identification and institution of origin;
- professional affiliation of the author;
- title, keywords and abstract in Portuguese, Spanish and English;
- abstract up to 150 words;
- maximum of 6 key words;

In case of acceptance of the Communication, it should be developed into a Working Paper version (with a maximum extension of 10,000 words), until September 15, 2017.

CIJE - Center for Legal and Economic Research.
AEL- Association of Labor Studies.
APODIT - Portuguese Association of Labor Law.

The Provisional Program of the International Meeting can be found on the link available on this page.

Registration and Payment:

- General Public: 50 €
- Alumni (50% discount)
- AEL and APODIT Associates: € 45
- FDUP students: Free admission (€ 5 with Certificate of Attendance)

Further inquiries: