Highlighting the country's potential in IT sector, Prime Minister ShriNarendraModi has trusted in the youth which has the power to innovate and go for Design in India. PM Modi has stressed that the government would now work to make Digital India a way of life and governance in the country that would also help bridge the existing gap between the rich and the poor. To Make India digitally powered society and knowledge economy is the key objective of Digital India. Digital marketing caters to the needs of one of the most imperative segment of the nation which precisely comprises the entire country itself i.e. customer. It paves way for innovative structures of product development and delivery at most competitive prices. Information provided by digital marketing addresses the needs of knowledge society that is founded on pillars of freedom of expression, universal access to information and knowledge and respect for cultural and linguistic diversity. It empowers the customers who are well aware of their rights and duties and are capable enough to immune themselves against various mal practices. At the same time, digital marketing offers a massive platform to government undertakings to help them create awareness about assorted e-goods and services made available (Government E-market place, MEGHRAJ, E-bastaect.) for citizens while maintaining transparency. This topic of discussion undertaken by the conference shall bring frontward numerous insights in apprehending the impact of digital marketing in the light of Digital India creation. Plenary Sessions Understanding Digital Consumer & Marketing Practices This conference shall intend to explore digital outreach by understanding digital consumer in varied perspectives. Endeavors shall be directed at developing a deeper insight into changing perspective of consumer's decision making process in online environment, appreciate decision simplification heuristics and processing patterns of the consumer, given this overwhelming enormity of information and stimuli in online environment , get an outlook on how different media like mobiles are playing a noteworthy role in redesigning the overall purchase pattern in the digital space, highlight the opportunities for business entities to infuse their products or services into the consumer decision making process at the right time in the right context so as to create a desirable influence on online environment and discuss and address the key challenges and concerns faced by a business entity in managing online consumer experiences. It is expected that academicians and scholars from various parts of the country will debate on this during the 6th Annual International Commerce Convention, 2018. Social Media for Social Causes Digital penetration at a faster but steady pace is an indicator of increased and active usage of social media. The most popular social media network, Facebook, is estimated to have 1.5 billion monthly users across nations. On an average, people around the world spend more than one third of their day on digital media. Surprised with such an amplified digital consumption, media conglomerates are tapping the trend and utilizing the potential of the new age media space to design their marketing moves in reaching out to and targeting at unexpectedly huge potential of consumers. Considering the fact that the digital media will continue unabatedly to penetrate society deeper, it is believed this trend will never fade. The Digital India vision provides the intensified impetus for further momentum and progress for e-Governance and would promote inclusive growth that covers electronic services, products, devices, manufacturing and job opportunities. Digital infrastructure will focus on providing high speed secure Internet. Governance and services on demand will stress on integrating services across departments and jurisdictions and making services available in real time for both online and mobile platform. It is expected that the 6th Annual International Commerce Convention 2017 will provide some valuable suggestions on the approaches, strategies, prospects, and challenges to the Digital India vision envisaged by the present Government of India. Analytics: Present and Future With old methods turning redundant and traditional indicators declining in their effectiveness, marketing practices would be viewed with a new perspective wherein business entities need to understand the required integration between big data analysis and managerial decision making. The conference shall attempt to develop an in-depth understanding of statistical techniques of digging into consumer psychology such as emoji analytics, web analytics, social media analytics, consumer journey mapping and analytics and so on. With this trend surging ahead, new techniques such as search engine optimization, search engine marketing, content marketing, data driven marketing, email marketing and social media marketing are occupying the marketing space in a very large manner. Major social media platforms having built-in data analytics are taking advantage by assisting companies in tracking the progress, success and engagement of ad campaigns. Ever growing presence of stronger digital and social media is nowadays quintessential in obtaining data insights and helping people know about the marketing activities as a whole. This conference aims at comprehending the role of social media in bringing a noteworthy change in behavioral pattern of people, their perspective towards society and their attitude in addressing the social issues. The Conference Proceedings: The extended abstract of accepted papers will be published online during the conference proceedings The selected papers would be considered for publication either for the special issue or regular issue of Journal of Commerce & Business Studies, ISSN 2322-0767, bi-annual refereed Journal of Department of Commerce.
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