IGSC'17 Call for Papers **Deadline Extended to June 30** 

October 23-25 2017, Orlando, Florida

IGSC’17 will provide a forum for presenting and discussing innovative research on a broad range of topics in the fields of sustainable and energy-efficient computing and computing for a more sustainable planet. The conference will consist of technical papers, panels, workshops, PhD Forum, and tutorials on these topics. IGSC’17 will be technically co-sponsored by the IEEE. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Green Computing
Power- and thermal-aware algorithms, software and hardware
Low-power electronics and systems
Power-efficient multi/many-core chip design
Application-specific ASICs and FPGAs
Sensing and monitoring
Power and thermal behavior and control
Data centers optimization
Smart grid and microgrids
Power-efficient delivery and cooling
Reliability, life-cycle analysis of IT equipment

Computing for Sustainability
Renewable energy models and prediction
Matching energy supply and demand
Smart transportation and electric vehicles
Smart buildings and urban computing
Energy harvesting, storage, and recycling
Climate and ecosystem monitoring
IT solutions for water quality, air pollution, and sustainable agriculture
Computational models for epidemics, infectious diseases, and human well-being
Computational methods for sustainable economy and society

Paper submission guidelines
IGSC’17 welcomes submissions that have not been published and that are not under review by other conferences or journals. All submissions will be evaluated on their originality, technical soundness, significance, presentation, and interest to the conference attendees. Please refer to the IGSC website (www.green-conf.org) for specific instructions related to paper submission.

Best paper award and journal publication
The Technical Committee will select the best contributions to be extended and considered by the Elsevier Journal on Sustainable Computing.

Workshops and special sessions
Proposals are solicited for workshops and special sessions to be held in conjunction with the conference. Proposals should be submitted to the Workshops and Special Sessions Chair (iahmad@cse.uta.edu).

Ph.D. forum
Submissions are solicited for a Ph.D. forum, from doctoral students engaged in research on sustainable and energy-efficient computing. Please refer to the IGSC website for specific instructions for extended abstract submission.

Important dates
Deadline for submitting Ph.D. forum extended abstracts: July 16, 2017
Paper submission: June 30, 2017
Notifications sent to authors: July 17, 2017
Camera-ready papers due: Aug 5, 2017

Steering Committee Chairs: Ishfaq Ahmad (University of Texas, Arlington, USA), iahmad@cse.uta.edu
Behrooz Shirazi (Washington State University, USA), shirazi@wsu.edu
General Chair: Weisong Shi (Wayne State University, USA), weisong@wayne.edu
Tech. Program Chair: Sudeep Pasricha (Colorado State University, USA), sudeep@colostate.edu
Workshop Chair: Ishfaq Ahmad (University of Texas, Arlington, USA), iahmad@cse.uta.edu
PhD Forum Chair: Mahdi Nikdast (Polytechnique Montréal, Canada), mahdi.nikdast@polymtl.ca
Publicity Chair: Ishan Thakkar (Colorado State University, USA), ishan9it@rams.colostate.edu
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