Call for Papers
The 15th International
Learning and Technology Conference

Internet of Things (IoT):
Embedding Intelligence

25th – 26th February 2018
9th – 10th Jumada Al-Akhirah 1439
Jeddah, KSA

The pervasive nature of smart devices and Web 2.0/3.0 technologies have set the pace for rapid digital transformation of not only how governments are redefining their services and delivery, or how organizations conduct business but also the way citizens live in society. The Internet of Things (IoT) has similarly transformed the educational landscape and paved the way for enriched learning experiences. In addition to optimizing the technology enablers to IoT, society also needs to address the security, social, privacy and psychological aspects of the IoT ecosystem.

The 15th International Learning and Technology (L&T 2018) Conference is a unique opportunity for researchers, entrepreneurs, technology developers and policy makers to address current challenges and advances in the field. Specifically, it will examine the modern practices and potential of IoT and the way it affects the digital transformation, innovation, and social, economic and educational developments both locally and globally.

The conference will feature keynote presentations, thought-provoking paper presentations, workshop sessions and a stimulating panel discussion covering the latest developments in the IoT ecosystem. Join us and explore new collaboration opportunities, cultivate your social and knowledge networks, and compliment your core experience!

The L&T 2018 conference is co-sponsored by the IEEE Western Region Section and the IEEE Computer Society (C16).

All accepted papers will be published on the IEEE Xplorer website and the best papers will be published in the International Journal of Knowledge Society Research.

Deadline for Submission of Abstracts: 31th October 2017
Abstract Initial Acceptance Notification:7th November 2017
Full Paper Submission:4th December 2017
Author Notification:25th December 2017
Camera-ready Submission:22nd January 2018
Conference:Sunday 25th-Monday 26th February 2018

General Chair: Dr. Khulood Rambo, Effat University, Jeddah, KSA
Program Manager: Dr. Imtiaz Ahmad, Effat University, Jeddah, KSA
Program Chair: Dr. Zain Balfagih, Effat University, Jeddah, KSA
Program Co-Chair: Dr. Tayeb Brahimi, Effat University, Jeddah, KSA

The 15th International Learning and Technology Conference (L&T 2018) is structured around seven central themes:
IoT Application and Services
Social Impacts of IoT
IoT Security and Privacy
Big Data Impact and IoT
IoT Transformation of Education
IoT Emerging Areas
IoT in Business

Conference topics may include, but are not limited to the following:
IoT Applications and Services
5G Networks and IoT
Software Defined Network (SDN) and IoT
Sensor and Actuator Networks
IoT Protocols
e-Health, e-Wellness, Automotive, Intelligent Transport, Biomedical
Smart Grid, Energy Management
Cloud Computing and IoT
Industrial Control (M2M Applications, Indoor Air Quality, Temperature Monitoring, Indoor Location, etc.)
System Design

Social Impacts of IoT
Social Models and Networks
Green IoT: Sustainable Design and Technologies
Human Factors in IoT
Smart Cities, Smart Public Places, Smart Home/Building Automation
Smart Agriculture (Green Houses)
Digital health/Tele-health/Telemedicine

IoT Security and Privacy
IoT Privacy and Security Concerns
Identification and Authentication Issues
Wireless Sensor Networks for IoT Security
Intrusion Detection in IoT
Cryptography, Key Management, and Authorization for IoT
Infrastructure / OSI Layer Attacks in IoT
Communication Security in IoT
IoT Forensics
Big Data Impact and IoT
Distributed Storage and Data Fusion
Big Data and Information Integrity of IoT
IoT and SQL/NoSQL Databases
IoT and Big Data as a Service
IoT transformation of Education
IoT Applications in Education and Learning
IoT Impact on e-Learning
Innovative teaching and learning pedagogies

IoT in Business
Business Opportunities in IoT
IoT Platforms for Business Growth
Influence on IoT on Small Businesses
Emerging Areas and IoT
QoS in IoT
Industry Case Studies – Facts and Myths
Evolving IoT Architectures
IoT Standards

Authors are requested to submit their papers electronically using the online conference system EasyChair. If you have used this system before, you may use the same login details. If this is your first time using EasyChair, you will need to create an EasyChair Account at Upon completion of registration, you will receive a notification email from EasyChair, after which you will need to log in and submit your paper in pdf format.
Submissions should be sent to the following link:

Please follow the IEEE format for structuring paper submissions:

Full Paper: maximum of 8pages
Workshop Proposals: maximum of 4 pages

All papers will be reviewed through a blind review process. Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings, of which the three best peer-reviewed papers will be awarded a full scholarship (includes travel, accommodation and visa fee) to present at the conference.

Please direct any questions to the following email:

The 15th L&T 2018 Conference offers the opportunity to deliver workshops. The aim of the workshops is to encourage discourse on current research and explore opportunities for further developments which are related to any topic within the context of the conference. Anyone interested in presenting a workshop will be required to submit a workshop proposal (including a workshop title, presenter information, and abstract) which will be evaluated regarding relevance and anticipated interest. The same deadlines apply as for paper submissions.

Stay tuned for information on the Effat IoT Challenge!

For any inquiries, please send an email to:
For further details about the conference, visit our website:

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