Melecon 2018 is an IEEE Region 8 flagship conference with a long standing history of excellence both in electrotechnology and in recent years in information and communication technologies as well. Melecon 2018 covers complementary thematic areas that hold great promise for the advancement of research and technological development in the solution of complex engineering systems. In this context, Melecon 2018 foresees to attract high quality papers and provide a platform for the cross fertilization of new ideas and know-how under the special theme of the conference that is Intelligent & Efficient Technologies & Services for the Citizen.

To achieve this, the conference encompasses the following thematic areas:

Track 1 -Smart and Green Systems and Networks
Information and Communication Technologies
Smart, Green and Integrated Transport
Micro and Nano Electronic Systems
Electric Power Systems and Renewable Energy Sources

Track 2 – Services and Emerging Applications
Emerging Environmental Applications
Virtual Environments, 3D Simulations and Serious Games
Autonomous Driving, Positioning, …
Verticals and Industry 4.0

Track 3 – Enablers and Challenges
Security and Networking
Internet of Things
Cloud-Based Systems
Big Data Analytics

The submissions should contain original, high quality work, not submitted or published elsewhere. Papers should be submitted electronically (through Melecon 2018 web site) in pdf format and should conform to IEEE specifications (single-spaced, double - column, 10-point font size, 4 - 6 pages).

Each accepted paper should be presented by one of the authors and accompanied by at least one full registration fee payment, to guarantee publication in the proceedings. One full registration fee can cover up to 2 papers only. All accepted papers will be included in the IEEE proceedings of Melecon 2018 that will be submitted to the Xplore Digital Library.

PhD students are encouraged to submit their papers to the Melecon 2018 student paper competition selecting a thematic area.
با جستجو در پایگاه داده‌های ویپاب، کنفرانس علمی مورد نظر خود را بیابید و یا به ثبت اطلاعات یک کنفرانس بپردازید.