☛ About SingaporeSingapore is a vibrant and dynamic city-state located in Southeast Asia. It is known for its multicultural society, modern infrastructure, and world-class attractions. The city is a melting pot of cultures, with Chinese, Malay, Indian, and Western influences blending together to create a unique and diverse atmosphere.☛ CALL FOR PAPERSTrack 1 - Geographic InformationGeo-geological InformationThe Development and Application of Geographic Information Technology in Geographical Environment/geology/rock and Soil, Mineral and Energy ResourcesGeohazards & Earthquake engineeringRemote Sensing Interpretation of Geological Structure/Tectonic EvolutionEarth Detection and Information TechnologyTrack 2 - Surveying & MappingSurveying and MappingMarine MappingPhotogrammetryGeodetic SurveyHydrological SurveyTrack 3 - Remote Sensing TechnologyTheories, Techniques and Methods related to Surveying, Mapping, Navigation and Oblique PhotographyRemote SensingOptical Remote SensingMicrowave Remote SensingRemote Sensing Of Atmospheric EnvironmentFor more topics, please visit http://icrsg.org/cfp.html☛ PUBLICATIONSubmitted paper will be peer reviewed by conference committees. The accepted papers will be included into Conference Proceedings for publication and indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus.☛ SUBMISSION1. Full Paper (Publication and Presentation)2. Abstract (Presentation Only)※ Submission Link: https://www.zmeeting.org/submission/icrsg2024More details about submission, please visit http://www.icrsg.org/sub.html☛ CONFERENCE VENUEhttp://icrsg.org/venue.html☛ CONTACTLily Xue (conference secretary)Email: icrsg@outlook.com
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