CSEE&T 2017 Call for Submissions
The 2017 IEEE Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training (CSEE&T) takes place in Savannah, Georgia, November 7-9, 2017. Since the first CSEE&T, software engineering education has changed a great deal. In 1986, software engineering education was largely done by industry, with just a few academic programs in place. Since then, software engineering degree programs have emerged at all levels, with increased attention to specialty areas. Software engineering professionalism initiatives resulted in the certification and licensing of software engineers in many countries.
Our plans for the conference include the Academy on Software Engineering Education and Training (ASEET) on November 7. ASEET speakers will be Len Bass on DevOps and Grace Lewis on Architecture. Keynote talks will be given by Dick Fairley and Mark Paulk, and additional publication opportunities exist for selected papers in a special issue of the Journal of Systems and Software (JSS).
Topics of Interest
Quality submissions covering curriculum development, empirical studies, personal or institutional experience, and conceptual or theoretical work are particularly invited. The following list contains topics of interest for CSEE&T 2017. Submissions on other topics, as noted below, are also welcome.

   Team development and project management (TPM)
   Assessment (ASM)
   Measuring our results (MOR)
   Communication with clients, peers, etc. (CCP)
   Domain engineering (DOM)
   Degree specializations (SPC)
   Software assurance, quality, and reliability (AQR)
  Cloud computing (CLC)
   Methodological aspects of software engineering education (MAS)
   Global and distributed software engineering (GDS)
  Social and cultural issues (SCI)
   Novel delivery methods (NDM)
   Open source in education (OSE)
   Cooperation between industry and academia (CIA)
   Continuous education to cope with technological change (CED)
   Vision for future software engineering education (VIS)
   Other topics consistent with software engineering education (OTH)
CSEE&T 2017 will accept high-quality contributions in the following categories:
   Research papers (long papers up to 10 pages and short papers up to 5 pages)
   Academic education and Industrial training experience reports (long and short papers, same as for research papers )
   Panel and workshop sessions, CSEET Hall of Fame curriculum nominations (Proposal of up to 2 pages)
The detailed submission guidelines for each category (e.g., maximum page length and formatting requirements) are provided at the submission page on the official CSEE&T 2017 website. Papers must be submitted electronically through EasyChair. Important dates are as follows:
   June 16, 2017: Abstract submission (to be used for assigning reviewers)
   June 23, 2017: Full paper submission
   August 25, 2017: Author notification
   September 22, 2017: Camera-ready paper due
   September 22, 2017: Early registration ends
   November 7-9, 2017: Conference

CSEE&T 2017 is teaming up with the Journal of Systems and Software (JSS) to devote a special issue to select conference papers. All submitted papers will be considered. Priority will be given to papers that address education in the areas of secure software (AQR), agile software engineering, gamification (NDM), and industry/university collaboration (CIA). Authors of selected papers will be notified shortly after their final notification and will be asked to extend their submissions to full-text papers appropriate for publication in an archival journal. The guest editors of the special issue are Hossein Saiedian (University of Kansas, USA) and Hironori Washizaki (Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan). Tentative dates are as follows:
   September 15, 2017: Author notification
   December 22, 2017: Extended paper submission

   February 23, 2018: Author notification
   March 23, 2018: Revisions/corrections due

Conference General Co-Chairs
   Matthew Fischer, Gulfstream Aerospace
   Steve Jackson, Georgia Power

Program Co-Chairs
   Nancy Mead, Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University
   Hironori Washizaki, Waseda University

General Inquiries
For more detailed and up-to-date information, visit the CSEE&T website (www.cseet2017.com) or contact Nancy Mead at nrm@sei.cmu.edu .
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