The "Cloud" is a natural evolution of distributed computing and of the widespread adaption of virtualization and Service-Oriented Architectures (SOA). In Cloud Computing, IT-related capabilities and resources are provided as services, via the Internet and on-demand, accessible without requiring detailed knowledge of the underlying technology.

The IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology & Science 2017 will be the 9th in the series of conferences, steered by the Cloud Computing Association, that brings together researchers, developers and users interested in cloud computing systems to present and discuss the needs of, and innovations in, the area and related technologies.

Topics of interest of CloudCom 2017 include, but are not limited to:

Architecture and Virtualization
Cloud Services and Applications
IoT and Mobile on Cloud
Big Data
High Performance Computing in/with the Cloud
Security and Privacy
Distributed Cloud / Cloud Brokering / Edge and Fog Computing
Track details are listed below.

Track 1: Architecture and Virtualization

Intercloud architecture models
Cloud services delivery models, campus integration & "last mile" issues
Networking technologies
Programming models & systems/tools
Cloud system design with FPGAs, GPUs, APUs
Storage & file systems
Scalability & performance
Resource provisioning, monitoring, management & maintenance
Operational, economic & business models
Green data centers
Computational resources, storage & network virtualization
Resource monitoring
Virtual desktops
Resilience, fault tolerance, disaster recovery
Modeling & performance evaluation
Disaster recovery
Energy efficiency

Track 2: Cloud Services and Applications

Cloud services models & frameworks
Cloud services reference models & standardization
Cloud-powered services design
Business processes, compliance & certification
Data management applications & services
Application workflows & scheduling
Application benchmarks & use cases
Cloud-based services & protocols
Fault-tolerance & availability of cloud services and applications
Application development and debugging tools
Business models & economics of cloud services
Self-optimizing, self-protecting and self-configuring cloud systems

Track 3: IoT and Mobile on Cloud

IoT cloud architectures & models
Cloud-based dynamic composition of IoT
Cloud-based context-aware IoT
Mobile cloud architectures & models
Green mobile cloud computing
Resource management in mobile cloud environments
Cloud support for mobility-aware networking protocols
Multimedia applications in mobile cloud environments
Cloud-based mobile networks and applications

Track 4: Big Data

Machine learning
Data mining
Approximate & scalable statistical methods
Graph algorithms
Querying & search
Data lifecycle management
Frameworks, tools & their composition
Dataflow management & scheduling

Track 5: High Performance Computing in/with the Cloud

Load balancing
Middleware solutions
Scalable scheduling
HPC as a Service
Programming models
Use cases & experience reports
Cloud deployment systems
TCO analysis Cloud vs HPC

Track 6: Security and Privacy

Accountability & audit
Authentication & authorization
Cloud integrity
Cryptography for & in the cloud
Hypervisor security
Identity management & security as a service
Prevention of data loss or leakage
Secure, interoperable identity management
Trust & credential management
Trusted computing
Usable security
Track 7: Distributed Cloud / Cloud Brokering / Edge and Fog Computing

Distributed Cloud Infrastructure
Cloud federation & hybrid cloud infrastructure
Utility Computing (UC)
Cloud Brokering Problem
Edge Computing infrastructure
Fog Computing Systems

Submission Guidelines

Submitted papers must not substantially overlap papers that have been published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a conference with proceedings. Authors must submit their papers by the deadline indicated below, using the EasyChair submission system.

Only PDF files will be accepted. Manuscripts need to be prepared according to the IEEE CS format. All regular paper submissions should be written in English with a maximum paper length of 8 pages. All submitted papers will be reviewed by at least three experts (expected acceptance rate: ~18%).

Accepted papers must be presented at the conference. At least one author of each accepted paper must register to the conference, by the early date indicated by the organizers, and present the paper.

The conference proceedings of CloudCom 2017 will be published by IEEE CS Press (IEEE Xplore) and indexed by EI and ISSN. Distinguished papers will be invited to be included within a number of special issues in prestigious international journals.

Important Dates

Full paper submission 30 June 2017
Notification of acceptance 7 September 2017
Final paper submission 22 September 2017
Author registration deadline 22 September 2017
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