12th to 14th January 2018 San Juan, Puerto Rico Contact person: Multinational Finance Society More information please visit http://www.mfsociety.org/page.php?pageID=314 Organized by: Multinational Finance Society Deadline for abstracts/proposals: 15th September 2017 7th Spring Conference of the Multinational Finance Society San Juan, Puerto Rico (to be rescheduled in spring 2019) Venue and date would be announced in the summer of 2018 KEYNOTE SPEAKERS Sheridan Titman - University of Texas at Austin, USA PROGRAM CHAIRS Scott Brown (Finance) - University of Puerto Rico Main Campus, Puerto Rico Arleen Hernandez (International Business) - University of Puerto Rico Main Campus, Puerto Rico Panayiotis Theodossiou - Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus ORGANIZING INSTITUTION University of Puerto Rico School of Business, Main Campus, Puerto Rico MFJ SPECIAL ISSUE A special issue of the Multinational Finance Journal on "Global Financial Crisis" will be devoted to relevant papers presented at conference and submitted for publication. CONFERENCE OBJECTIVE The objective of the conference is to bring together academic researchers, educators, doctoral students and practitioners from various international institutions to focus on timely financial issues and research findings pertaining to industrialized and developing countries including the recent financial and economic crisis. AREAS OF INTEREST Papers in all areas of finance, accounting, banking and economics dealing with developed and developing countries are welcome. Specific topics include, but are not limited to: Asset Pricing; Banking; Behavioral Finance; Buyouts; Capital Structure; CDS; Commodities; Contagion in Financial Markets; Corporate Governance; Corporate Restructuring; Cost of Bankruptcy; Credit Scoring Models; Cross Listing; Derivatives; Emerging Markets; Entrepreneurship and Finance; Executive Compensation; Financial Accounting; Financial Analysts; Financial Reporting; FX Arbitrage; International Business; Investment Banking; IPOs; M&As; Macro Finance; Market Efficiency; Market Microstructure; Payout Policy; Portfolio Management; Real Options; Regulation; Risk Measurement; Shipping Finance; Public Sector Financial Constraints in Times of Austerity; Management Traits and Decision Making; The Role of Social Media in the Dissemination of Information; The Management of Restraints in Sources of Finance. Policy-oriented papers from researchers in government and industry are particularly welcome. Suggestions for the organization of panel sessions on topics of general interest will also be considered. This conference is unique in that we are opening special sections in international business. We ask that papers be as closely aligned to international finance, international accounting, and international economics as possible. PAPER, THESIS AND CASE STUDIES SUBMISSION GUIDELINES Please visit our website at http://www.mfsociety.org to submit a copy of a completed or nearly completed paper or a detailed dissertation proposal or case study (PDF format) by the deadline. Upon request by the authors, papers presented at conference will be published online in a pdf format as per the guidelines. The cover page should include the affiliation, address, phone and email of each author. Each participant agrees to serve as a discussant of a paper of his/her own area of interest, if needed. Please include of whether you would like your paper to be considered for any of the awards mentioned below. Only completed papers qualify for any of the awards. PAPER AWARDS Best Paper Award (prize 750 USD) (Open to all papers presented at the conference) Best Doctoral Paper Award (prize 500 USD) (Open to all thesis papers presented at the conference) Ben Graham Center for Value Investing Award (prize 500 USD) (For best paper in areas related to value investing such as asset pricing, market anomalies and behavioral finance) The Ben Graham Center of Value Investing, one of two similar centers in the world, was established in 2006 with a mission to teach, research, apply and promote the style of investing referred to as Value Investing. The center delivers on its mission by developing courses, carrying out research on topics related to value investing and spreads the word via conferences, seminars, symposiums, stock picking competitions and so on. Consistent with its mission to promote research on value investing the Center sponsors the Ben Graham Center for Value Investing Award for the best paper in areas related to Value investing, such as Market Anomalies, Behavioral Finance and Asset Pricing Models that test the pricing or not of discovered anomalies. Past Winners FURTHER INFORMATION Information regarding the conference, accommodations, feature speakers, travel arrangements, fees and other activities will be published on the MFS website as needed. Information about past conference can be found on the website as well. VENUE Venue would be announced in the summer of 2018
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