15th International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition ICIAR 2018 June 27-29, 2018 – Póvoa de Varzim, PortugalNews January 19, 2018 Paper submission deadline has been extended until February 1, 2018. January 11, 2018 ICIAR 2018 announces a Springer prize with the total of 1000 Euros will be awarded to the three best papers of the conference. December 12, 2017 Paper submission is now open. November 19, 2017 Info on the panel session has been posted. October 12, 2017 Info on special sessions, challenges, and panel has been posted. September 17, 2017 Invited speakers info has been posted. August 1, 2017 Conference dates announced. Paper submission deadline is January 22, 2018. July 17, 2017 ICIAR 2018 web site launched. About ICIAR ICIAR – The International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition aims to bring together researchers in the fields of Image Processing, Image Analysis and Pattern Recognition. The conference will address recent advances in theory, methodologies and applications. The scientific program will include invited speakers and fully refereed contributions that will be published in the conference proceedings. The ICIAR series of conferences is organized annually, alternating between Europe and America. In 2004, the first conference, ICIAR 2004, was held in Porto, Portugal. ICIAR 2005 was held in Toronto, Canada. ICIAR 2006 was held in Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal. ICIAR 2007 was held in Montreal, Canada. ICIAR 2008 was held in Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal. ICIAR 2009 was held in Halifax, Canada. ICIAR 2010 was held in Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal. ICIAR 2011 was held in Burnaby, BC, Canada. ICIAR 2012 was held in Aveiro, Portugal. ICIAR 2013 was held in Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal. ICIAR 2014 was held in Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal. ICIAR 2015 was held in Niagara Falls, Canada. ICIAR 2016 was held in Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal. ICIAR 2017 was held in Montreal, Canada. ICIAR 2018 will take place in Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal. Topics Focus Topics Deep Learning in Biology and Medicine Knowledge Discovery in Human Behavior Recognition Retinal Image Analysis for Screening and Diagnosis Image and Video Processing and Analysis Image restoration and enhancement Image and video segmentation Mathematical morphology Color, texture and motion analysis 3D image analysis Tracking Shape and matching Real time imaging Image and Video Coding Still image and video coding Image and video encryption Image Retrieval and Indexing Image and video databases Image and video retrieval and indexing Pattern Recognition Methods Feature extraction and selection methods Classification and Clustering techniques Ensembles and multi-classifiers Hybrid methods Syntactical methods Applications Biomedical Imaging Biometrics Document Processing Remote Sensing Multimedia Security Systems Visual Inspection Sports Other applications
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