Welcome to ICFES 2018   2018 4th International Conference on Food and Environmental Sciences (ICFES 2018) , 25-27 February 2018, Da Nang, Vietnam Welcome to the official website of the 2018 4th International Conference on Food and Environmental Sciences (ICFES 2018). It will be held during February 25-27, 2018 in Da Nang, Vietnam. ICFES 2018 brings together innovative academics and industrial experts in the field of Food and Environmental Sciences to a common forum. The primary goal of the conference is to promote research and developmental activities in Food and Environmental Sciences. Another goal is to promote scientific information interchange between researchers, developers, engineers, students, and practitioners working in Vietnam and abroad. The conference will be held every year to make it an ideal platform for people to share views and experiences in Food and Environmental Sciences and related areas. Publication All ICFES 2018 papers will be published in the: International Proceedings of Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering (IPCBEE), and all the papers published in IPCBEE will be indexed by EBSCO, Chemical Abstracts Services (CAS), CABI, CNKI, WorldCat, Google Scholar, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, Crossref, and Engineering & Technology Digital Library. or International Journal of Food Engineering (IJFE), and all papers will be included in the Engineering & Technology Digital Library, and indexed by WorldCat, Google Scholar, Cross ref, ProQuest , CABI and sent to be reviewed by EI Compendex and ISI Proceedings. Publication Ethics - Penalty against Plagiarism We firmly believe that ethical conduct is the most essential virtual of any academic. Hence any act of plagiarism is a totally unacceptable academic misconduct and cannot be tolerated. Call For Papers 2018 4th International Conference on Food and Environmental Sciences (ICFES 2018) is the premier forum for the presentation of new advances and research results in the fields of theoretical, experimental, and applied Food and Environmental Sciences. The conference will bring together leading researchers, engineers and scientists in the domain of interest from around the world. Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to: Food & dairy agricultural biotechnology Food and Nutritional Science Food bioavailability Food biotechnology Food Chemistry and Biotechnology Food fortification and supplementation Food microstructure development and characterization Food Nutrition and Evaluation Food Packaging, Materials and Equipments Food processing, preservations and packaging Food properties including thermal, chemical and mechanical properties Food safety and hygiene Food Sensory and Flavours Food Texture and Rheology Functional Food and Bioactive Factors Functional foods, nutrition, nutraceuticals & bioactives Enzyme Engineering Contamination of food Temperature control and traceability Pesticides and nutrients Food characterization Environmental engineering and sustainable development Process design and optimization Product innovation, development and economics Process intensification Green organic synthesis routes Process integration Environmental engineering & management Sustainable & clean technologies SCF as solvent substitutes Environmental Science and Technology Environmental dynamics Meteorology Hydrology Geophysics Atmospheric physics Physical oceanography Global environmental change and ecosystems management Climate and climatic changes Global warming Ozone layer depletion Carbon capture and storage Biofuels Integrated ecosystems management Satellite applications in the environment Environmental restoration and ecological engineering Habitat reconstruction Biodiversity conservation Deforestation Wetlands Landscape degradation and restoration Ground water remediation Soil decontamination Eco-technology Bio-engineering Environmental sustainability Resource management Life cycle analysis Environmental systems approach Renewable sources of energy-energy savings Clean technologies Sustainable cities Health and the Environment Health related organisms Hazardous substances and detection techniques Biodegradation of hazardous substances Toxicity assessment and epidemiological studies Quality guidelines, environmental regulation and monitoring Indoor air pollution Water resources and river basin management Regulatory practice, water quality objectives standard setting, water quality classification Public participation Economic instruments Modelling and decision support tools Institutional development Transboundary cooperation Management and regulation of point and diffuse pollution Monitoring and analysis of environmental contaminant Ground water management Wastewater and sludge treatment Nutrients removal Suspended and fixed film biological processes Anaerobic treatment Process modelling Sludge treatment and reuse Fate of hazardous substances Industrial wastewater treatment Advances in biological, physical and chemical processes On site and small scale systems Storm-water management Air pollution and control Emission sources Atmospheric modelling and numerical prediction Interaction between pollutants Control technologies Air emission trading Solid waste management Waste minimization Optimization of collection systems Recycling and reuse Waste valorization Technical aspects of treatment and disposal methods (landfilling, thermal treatment etc) Leachate treatment Legal, economic and managerial aspects of solid waste management Management of hazardous solid waste Water treatment and reclamation Advanced treatment of water and secondary effluents (membranes, adsorption, ion exchange, oxidation etc) Disinfection and disinfection by- products Management of water treatment residuals Aesthetic quality of drinking water (taste, odors) Effect of distribution systems on potable water quality Reuse of reclaimed waters All ICFES 2018 papers will be published in the: International Proceedings of Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering (IPCBEE), and all the papers published in IPCBEE will be indexed by EBSCO, Chemical Abstracts Services (CAS), CABI, CNKI, WorldCat, Google Scholar, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, Crossref, and Engineering & Technology Digital Library. or International Journal of Food Engineering (IJFE), and all papers will be included in the Engineering & Technology Digital Library, and indexed by WorldCat, Google Scholar, Cross ref, ProQuest , CABI and sent to be reviewed by EI Compendex and ISI Proceedings.
با جستجو در پایگاه داده‌های ویپاب، کنفرانس علمی مورد نظر خود را بیابید و یا به ثبت اطلاعات یک کنفرانس بپردازید.