Theoretical and empirical papers relating to all areas of Accounting, Banking, Finance, Economics, Management and Marketing are invited for the above international conference administered by Global Research Institute for Business Academics, Australia ( All submissions are double-blind peer-reviewed and accepted papers/abstracts, who register for the conference, will be published electronically and will be linked to Google Scholar.

Publication Opportunities : Please select any option

Option one: Affiliated International Journals: The following two international journals which are ranked B by the Australian Business Deans Council ( and indexed by SCOPUS are affiliated with this conference: Outstanding papers will be considered independently by the editor of these Journals .

Advances in Quantitative Analysis of Finance and Accounting

International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management

Thomson Reuter and Scopus Indexed Journals:

Journal of Management Science (indexed by Thomson Reuter)

Banks and Banking System ( Indexed by Scopus)

International Journal of Supply Chain Management (indexed by Scopus)

If you decide to publish in any one of the above journals, you need to send us your full paper via If the paper is accepted, after blind review, we will inform you and at the same time your paper along with our review report will be sent to the Editor of the respective journal who will decide the suitability of your paper . At the time of your full paper submission, please mention the name of the journal you are interested in.

Option Two: Special Issue of ERA Journals without fee : Quality papers will be considered for publication in 2017 special issue of any of the three Journals such as International Review of Business Research Papers (Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Maggie Liu, University of Winnipeg, Canada), Global Review of Accounting and Finance (Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Ming-Chan Chen, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan) and World Journal of Management (Editor-in Chief: Prof. Stuart Orr, Deakin University, Australia) which are all listed by Excellent Research Australia (ERA) , Australian Government and indexed by Ulrich's Periodicals Directory (USA). These journals carry DOI number for every paper from CrossRef of USA. There is no submission fee at all if your paper is considered as outstanding paper. These journals are not predatory or open access journals and are published by Zant World Press of Australia. (you can visit Authors of the papers published in the above journals will receive one hard copy of the journal, in addition to online access (which is restricted to only to the authors). Indexation of these journals by Scopus is under process.

Option Three : Publication as Proceedings Papers: All accepted papers, except those accepted by the above journals, will be published, as per choice of the author, electronically with ISBN via a dedicated website ( which contains papers from previous conferences. However, papers accepted by the journals can publish only abstract in the proceedings. Before uploading, we do the extensive editorial work on your paper to maintain quality and professional standard and no fee is charged for processing /editorial work.

Submit your Manuscript

Please send us either abstract or full paper directly via email address: by 5 June 2017. Please read and follow the link “Manuscript Submission Guidelines” in the menu bar provided on the website before you submit the paper. Review process takes shortest time and we would notify the acceptance as soon as review process is over. If you need to submit advance funding application to your organization, we suggest you send us at least an abstract as soon as possible. If you are running out of time, you can send just abstract now and full paper by 16 June 2017

Report on your Paper: There are many business research conferences in the world and a very few organizers provide written feedback on your paper. But we deliver “Written Feedback Report on your paper” in the form of Paper Evaluation Report which will assist you to revise your paper.

Awards, Certificates and Membership of GRIBA:

Best papers in each track will be conferred by the Program Committee and all awardees will become Fellow of Global Research Institute for Business Academics which will allow you to join our future conferences, seminars, workshop and training at a discounted rate. Certificate of presentation will be issued to all participants presenting their research papers. Certificate of chairing a session will be issued to chairs acknowledging their contribution in the conference.

Feedings and Accommodation: Arrival, morning, afternoon tea/coffee and light foods plus hot lunch will be provided as part of the basic registration fee which is only US $425.

International Program Committee Members: Please see the link provide on the conference website

Further Enquiries: Please email Professor Mohammad Hoque via

More Information: Please click on the links provided on the conference website.

Program Chairs:

Accounting and Finance: Professor William Lim, York University, Canada

Finance: Professor Ming Cheng Chan, National Chung Chan University, Taiwan

Economics: Professor Anisul Islam, University of Texas-Downtown, USA

Management and Marketing : Professor Stuart Orr, Deakin University, Australia
با جستجو در پایگاه داده‌های ویپاب، کنفرانس علمی مورد نظر خود را بیابید و یا به ثبت اطلاعات یک کنفرانس بپردازید.