Call for papers
Submissions are welcomed on any topic related to digital manufacturing including, but not limited to:
Advanced and Sustainable MaterialsArchitectural ManagementBeach ErosionBlast EngineeringBridges and Special StructuresBuilding Information ModelingBuilding PathologyCase StudiesConcurrent EngineeringCreative and Optimal DesignElements of a Safety ProgramEngineered ReefsFall ProtectionFire EngineeringForm Finding ArchitectureGreen DesignHarbor DesignsInfrastructure EngineeringInnovative StructuresLife Assessment/DurabilityNew Construction MaterialsOSHA and Other Government RegulationsPerformance Based DesignRepairs, Strengthening, MaintenanceSafety IncentivesSafety SystemsSafety Training and SupervisionShoreline ProtectionSmart and Adaptive StructuresSteel StructuresStructural Health Monitoring, Safety, ReliabilityStructural Mechanics and OptimizationStructural MorphologyStructure-fluid-soil InteractionSubstance AbuseTall BuildingsTesting TechnologiesVibration, Impact/Structural DynamicsWind/earthquake Engineering

International Journal of Structural and Civil Engineering ResearchISSN: 2319-6009 (Online)DOI: 10.18178/ijscerAbstracting/Indexing: Google Scholar, Cross-ref, CNKI, etc.

1. Full paper(publication and presentation)
2. Abstract (presentation only)
For full paper and abstract, please upload it to the Electronic Submission System:

Contact:Ms. Slyvia Chan
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