2024 the 6th World Symposium on Artificial Intelligence has the goal to be an annual conference for researchers, academicians and industry persons in various fields of Artificial Intelligence and Computer Systems.It will be held in Guangzhou, China during June 7-9, 2024.

We hope that this conference will attract a large number of delegates from all over the world contributing to very high quality technical sessions. It also aims to:- provide early career scientists with an inspiring event allowing them to connect to relevant experts in related fields.- provide an exciting venue for researchers to network and establish national and international collaborations;- bring together leading experts from all relevant scientific domains to advance the understanding of Artificial Intelligence.

- Call for Papers - 
More Topics, please visit at http://wsai.org/cfp.htmlTopics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
Track 1.Robotics & Intelligent SystemsScience and Engineering & ControlArtificial Neural Networks in robotics or automationAdaptive systemsEmbedded SystemsFault DiagnosisHuman-Machine Interfaces
Track 2.BioinformaticssBio-robotics and Bio-mechatronicsGenetic AlgorithmsData Mining in Pattern RecognitionDNA Computing for Autonomous Agents
Track 3.Computer Applications, Systems, and NetworksNetwork and Distributed Intelligent ControlCommunication and Signal ProcessingSmart Sensors and Sensor FusionSensor-aided Smart GridsHigh Performance ComputingBig Data Storage
- Publication -Submitted paper will be peer reviewed by conference committees, and accepted papers will be included in WSAI 2024 Conference Proceedings, which will be archived in IEEE Xplore , and indexed by EI Compendex, Scopus, and other indexing services. WSAI 2024 is listed in IEEE conference calendar: https://conferences.ieee.org/conferences_events/conferences/conferencedetails/62426
History: http://www.wsai.org/history.html

- Submission -
1. The official language is English. The submitted paper should be no less than 4 full pages and prepared carefully according to the conference template.
2. Abstract submission is acceptable but it will be accepted for presentation only.
* Welcome to submit the paper or abstract by Electronic Submission System:http://www.zmeeting.org/submission/WSAI2024More details about submission, please visit at http://wsai.org/author.html#sub

- Contact -
Conference Secretary: Sylvia Ding
Email: wsai_conf@outlook.com | wsai_conf@163.com
Phone Number: +86-18030559376
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