1. Full paper (publication and presentation)
2. Abstract (presentation only)More detailed informaton about submission, please visit at http://icmre.org/submission.htmlAnd consult us via icmre_contact@academic.net

The accepted and registered paper(after double blind review)will be included in IEEE conference proceedings, which will be included in IEEE Xplore and indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus.
***ICMRE 2017-2023 have already been successfully indexed by EI Compendex and Scopus. ICMRE 2016 has been published by Springer.

=Topics (include but not limit)=
● Active vibration control● Advanced instrumentation and control● Advanced Motion Control● Agile Manufacturing● Autonomous systems● Bionic robotics, autonomous and evolutionary robotics● Computer and information technology● Energy and sustainability● Humanoid robots, service robots● Management of Technology● Manufacturing mechatronics● Micro and Nano Mechatronics● Mining robotics● Mobile robotics● Robot intelligence and learning● Robot vision and audition● Robotics and Mechanical Engineering● Robots and Automation● Signal and image processing● Smart materials and structures● Sustainability, energy conservation, ecology● Transportation systemsFor more topics, please visit at: http://icmre.org/topics.html

ICMRE 2016 / February 18-22, 2016 | Nice, FranceICMRE 2017 / February 8-12, 2017 | Paris, FranceICMRE 2018 / February 7-11, 2018 | University of Valenciennes, FranceICMRE 2019 / February 16 - 19, 2019 | Rome, ItalyICMRE 2020/ February 12-15, 2020 | Barcelona, SpainICMRE 2021/ February 3-5, 2021 | Budapest, Hungary (Virtual)ICMRE 2022/February 10-12, 2022 | Munich, Germany (Virtual)ICMRE 2023/February 10-12, 2023 | Shenzhen, China (Virtual)

==Preliminary Schedule==
February 27, 2024---Arrival & Material CollectingFebruary 28, 2024---Opening & Keynote Speeches & Peer-reviewed Papers Presentation-OralFebruary 29, 2024---Peer-reviewed Papers Presentation-Oral&Posters

Conference Secretary:Lydia Chang
Email: icmre_contact@academic.net
Web: http://icmre.org/
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