Attracting, developing and motivating knowledgeable employees is an art. Over and above, retaining them with the organization is very crucial for the organizational success. This helps developing a high-performance work-force that has the required knowledge and expertize to achieve the organizational goals and take the organization to higher levels. Research reports indicate that in order to meet the future challenges, a company has to nurture a highly talented workforce that has the required behaviors, clear strategies and desirable qualities. This is all the more relevant and important and helps the company in many ways. For instance, motivation, increased employee performance, achievement of targets and higher client satisfaction are all possible only with a talented workforce. Researchers further argue that talent management comprises three important components they are Understanding the organisational/business strategy, Evaluation and measurement/analytics and consequently developing a workforce plan. Retaining talents is yet another important aspect to be carefully considered, here. It depends upon two important aspects. The first one is the work culture in practice in the organization. Secondly, the compensation. If these two crucial aspects are taken care of, certainly, the organization can attract and retain a very talented and knowledgeable workforce. We expect academicians to attend and present their research findings in the upcoming conference in Bangkok, Thailand, a vibrant city in South East Asia. You are, of course, most welcome to be part of this interesting conference. Topics! Collective Bargaining & Negotiations, Compensation & Competition, Conflict Resolution, Corporate Strategy, Cross-functional Teams, Culture, Diversity and Equality, Employee Engagement, Employee Motivation, Employee Relations, Employment Law, Entrepreneurship & Management, Groups, Teams & Teamwork, Health, Safety and Well-being, Hiring-Best Practices, Leadership, Learning, Training and Development, Management and Business Skills, Managing Economic Crisis, Organizational Change, Performance Management, Recruitment, Reward & Motivation, Succession Planning, Talent Management, Team Building, Time Management, Workforce Analytics, Work-life Balance, Workplace Diversity.
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