Multidisciplinary and independent studies on: · Accounting · Arts · Business&Enterprise · Culture, Heritage and Art · Demography and Population · Economics · Environment · European Union · Education · Entrepreneurship · Finance · Food, Gastronomy and Tourism · Health, Safety and Security · International Business · Language · Management · Marketing · Philology and Language Studies · Social Business · Social Sciences · Tourism · Teaching Globalization Studies: ​ * Framework of globalization * History of globalization * Economic globalization * Cultural globalization * Political globalization * Globalization and international law * Globalization and arts * Globalization and conflicts * Globalization and new world order * Sustainable growth and development * Globalization and climate change * Regional integrations * Human rights and globalization * Migration * Global institutions * Technological platform for globalization * National boundaries * Globalization and internet * Globalization and sports * Globalization and free trade
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