The Royal Society of Medicine is once again delighted to host the RSM Aesthetics conference, now in its 10th anniversary year. The theme this year is: Multidisciplinary, evidence-based and patient-centred aesthetics care The format will be short platform presentations, panel discussions, case presentations and clinical demonstrations to answer key questions in aesthetics care. The structure of the meeting is to promote peer to peer interaction, and the involvement of both delegate and faculty to inform attendees at all levels of experience and seniority. objectives The aim of this meeting is to bring together a multi-professional faculty and delegate community to identify and discuss the best options for aesthetic clinical care. To understand best practice in key areas of aesthetics care - surgical and non–surgical. To learn specific techniques from authoritative clinicians for safe and effective outcomes. To value the best principles of ethical marketing and practice growth - where the 'patient' is the 'client'. To identify, avoid and manage breakdown in practitioner–patient relationships.
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