Call for Papers:
Environmental dynamics:Meteorology, Hydrology, Geophysics, Atmospheric physics, Physical oceanography
Global environmental change and ecosystems management:Climate and climatic changes, Global warming, Ozone layer depletion, Carbon capture and storage, Biofuels, Integrated ecosystems management, Satellite applications in the environment
Environmental restoration and ecological engineering:Advanced treatment of water and secondary effluents (membranes, adsorption, ion exchange, oxidation etc), Disinfection and disinfection by- products, Management of water treatment residuals, Aesthetic quality of drinking water (taste, odors), Effect of distribution systems on potable water quality, Reuse of reclaimed waters
Environmental sustainability:Resource management, Life cycle analysis, Environmental systems approach, Renewable sources of energy-energy savings, Clean technologies, Sustainable cities
Health and the Environment:Health related organisms, Hazardous substances and detection techniques, Biodegradation of hazardous substances, Toxicity assessment and epidemiological studies, Quality guidelines, environmental regulation and monitoring, Indoor air pollutionMore topics:

Submissions will be reviewed by the conference committees, accepted and presented papers will be published as a volume of Springer book series: Environmental Science and Engineering which will be submitted for indexing by EI Compendex, Scopus, SCImago and the other major databases.

Special Journal:Authors are encouraged to submit your extended paper with at least 35% new added content and new title to the two journals below for publication after the conference:1. International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, which will be indexed by Scopus( CiteScore 2022: 1.4), Chemical Abstracts Services (CAS), CABI, DOAJ, Ulrich Periodicals Directory, Crossref, ProQuest, etc.
2. Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development, which will be indexed by SCIE (Impact factor 2021: 4.108), Scopus (Citescore 2021: 2.9), etc.

Osaka, Japan

Submission Methods:
Full Paper(publication and oral presentation)Abstract(oral presentation only)Electronic Submission System (.pdf)

Contacts:Nancy Liu
Tel: +86-1320000009
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