YSN Network is pleased to organize the Multidisciplinary Conference on Engineering and Advanced Science 2018 (MCEAS 2018) on 02-03 February 2018 in Kuching, Malaysia. This conference a platform for both academicians and professionals from multi-disciplinary interests to meet and interact with members inside and outside their own particular disciplines. The conference also provide a platform where researchers, professionals, academicians and industries to share and generate forum of the latest researches. All acceptance paper will be published in ERA Journal and RMP Journal [MyJurnal (Malaysia Citation Center)] - MyRA accredited journal. All accepted paper will be published in journal: Option 1 - ERA Journal All accepted paper will be published in Advances in Environmental Biology (ERA Journal) (ISSN 1995-0756) Option 2 - RMP Journal [Myjurnal] 1) Journal of Engineering and Science Research (JESR) (eISSN : 2289-7127) (Google Scholar, MyJurnal) 2) Advanced Journal of Technical and Vocational Education (AJTVE) (eISSN : 2550-2174)(Google Scholar, MyJurnal) Looking forward to your support, participation & contribution in MCEAS 2018 See you in Kuching!!
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