As the world’s population edges towards 9 billion, the strain on our planet’s resources is progressively increasing. In both the developed and developing world there is a growing demand for food, manufactured goods and improved access to clean water and fuel. The products of human manufacture, even those produced to benefit society, can have negative effects on human health and the environment. The United Nations General Assembly has addressed these challenges in its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Contributions of chemistry, both in science and industries, are indispensable to meet the SDGs but such efforts will only be successful if they contribute in a sustainable and not just green manner to sustainability. Quick links Submit abstract Register Speakers Welcome from the chair Green and Sustainable Chemistry Challenge Sign up for conference news Contact us Other conferences in this field are focused mainly on the synthesis and technical aspects, however to contribute in a long-term, viable and globally applicable manner to the SDGs a much broader approach and exchange is necessary. The goal of the conference is therefore to bring together international researchers from academia and industry, from authorities and other institutions to communicate and share the latest developments across the broad and diverse fields of green and sustainable chemistry. Read more Call for Papers Deadline for submission: 19 January 2018 Abstracts on green and sustainable chemistry related topics that directly relate to the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals are particularly welcome. Topics include: Bioresources – new applications and new capabilities Inorganic resources – sustainable use of critical resources and materials Waste reduction, waste capture and recycling – examples, opportunities and limitations New molecules, materials and products – targeted design for sustainability Organic synthesis – recent green developments Catalysis – recent developments in bio catalysis, organic and inorganic catalysis Photochemistry – photocatalysis, synthesis and solar chemistry Renewable energy – conversion and storage Green and sustainable pharmacy Environmental science and sustainable chemistry Cleaner production – legislation and sustainable chemistry The UN Sustainable Development Goals and sustainable chemistry Industry and sustainable chemistry – focus on start-ups New business models Circular economy and sustainable chemistry Education and sustainable chemistry Elsevier Foundation Green and Sustainable Chemistry Challenge Another unique feature of this conference will be the Elsevier Foundation Green and Sustainable Chemistry Challenge
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