ICBDA 2025 invites contributions from a broad spectrum of domains, encompassing, but not restricted to, Big Data Models and Algorithms, Big Data Architectures, Big Data Search and Mining, healthcare, social networks, and media applications. Authors are encouraged to submit papers covering a diverse array of big data topics, such as service-oriented technologies, machine learning, predictive analytics, data modeling, system architectures, data mining, and simulation.

Sponsored by the Research Institute of Big Data Analytics at Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, China . ICBDA2025 brings together distinguished experts in the field. Prof. Steven Guan from Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, China, and Prof. Hayato YAMANA from Waseda University, Japan, have taken on the roles of Conference Co-chairs, ensuring the event's intellectual vibrancy and academic excellence.

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