Welcome Welcome to the official website of The 4th International Conference on Web Research. ICWR2018 aims at bringing together professors, researchers, industrial experts, and students in all fields of Computer Science, Information Technology, Computational Engineering, Library Science and Communication; and provides an international forum for the dissemination of original research results, new ideas and practical development experiences which concentrate on both theory and practices. The conference will be held on April 25th -26th , 2018; Tehran, Iran. Web Research is a multidisciplinary field with strong ties amongst Computer, Information, Library and communication sciences. The conference is jointly organized by the University of Science & culture (USC) and the Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research (ACECR). All accepted registered papers will be published by the Scientific & Academic Publishing (both Printed and CD media) and it will be made available in the Scientific & Academic Publishing Online Library and will be submitted to possible indexing in all the major indexing services like IEEE and Goggle Scholar. The selected papers will be published in the following journals: - International Journal of E-Business Research (IJEBR). IJEBR is a 10-year old Scopus indexed journal with high quality published papers in the field of e-business since its inception. The link of the journal is: http://www.igi-global.com/journal/international-journal-business-research-ijebr/1088 - The Journal of Information Systems and Telecommunication (JIST), A popular science-research journal indexed by ministry of Science of Iran and ISC. http://www.jist.ir/ We seek novel submissions in Computer, Information, Library and Media, communication, art and social sciences with an emphasis on information, content and Web. - International Journal on Web Research (IJWR). This Journal is published by University of Sceince and Culture, and, is directly related to the International Conference on Web Research. http://ijwr.usc.ac.ir Conference Area: Steering Committee for 4th International Conference on Web Research has defined 4 tracks and 12 areas for the ICWR2018. The tracks and areas are as following: ♦Fundamental F1. Web Retrieval, Mining and Analytics F.2 Semantic Web F.3 User modeling and Personalization ♦Application A1. Web of Things, Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing A2. Cyber Applications A3. Social Networks ♦Architecture R1. Distributed, Massive, and Cloud Computing Platforms R2. Web Software Platforms and tools ♦Logistics L1. Web Economics, Monetisation, and Online Markets L2. Web and Society L3. Web Security and Policy Making L4. Web Communication and Media
با جستجو در پایگاه داده‌های ویپاب، کنفرانس علمی مورد نظر خود را بیابید و یا به ثبت اطلاعات یک کنفرانس بپردازید.