The accepted papers after peer-review will be collected in the conference proceedings, which is indexed by Scopus, and Ei Compendex, IET and CPCI (Web of Science), etc.

★=Index History=
* The proceedings of ICVIP2017-2022 has been published in ACM Digital Library and indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus already.

3D images and models*3D imaging*Advanced descriptors and similarity metrics for images, audio and video *Affect-based indexing, search, and retrieval of images & videos*Applications in broadcast, web, cultural heritage, satellite, forensic, and (bio-)medical image and video collections*Case studies and emerging technologies*Classification and clustering techniques*Color and texture*Compression methods*Computational geometry*Computer animation*Computer art and entertainment (including games)*Content-based indexing, search, and retrieval of images & videos*Curves and meshes*Database architectures for image/video retrieval*e-Learning applications and computer graphics*Emerging display technologies*Evaluation of image and video retrieval systems*Face recognition, face detection, and gesture recognition*Fractal geometry and applications*Fusion of multimedia*Graph theory in image processing and vision*Modeling techniques*Multimedia Systems and Applications*Multimodal display systems*Multimodal human computer interaction*Novel image data management systems and applications*Object recognition*Ontologies for annotation and search of images and videos*Query models, paradigms, and languages for image/video retrieval*Real-time collision detection algorithms*Real-time rendering for VR*Rendering methods*Retrieval from multimodal lifelogs*Semantic-based indexing, search, and retrieval of images & videos*Shadows, translucency and visibility*Signal and speech processing*Graphics algorithms and applicationsFor more topics, please visit: https://icvip.org/cfp.html

★=Paper Submission=
1, Email: icvip2017@outlook.com
2, Electronic submission system: http://confsys.iconf.org/submission/icvip2024

December 13, 2024---Registration & Material Collecting
December 14, 2024---Keynote & Invited Speeches & Parallel Presentations
December 15, 2024-- Parallel Presentations

Riko WongE-mail: icvip2017@outlook.com
Tel: (86) 13482222225 (CN)
Tel: (00) 1 6193091099 (EN)
Website: http://icvip.org/index.html
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