★Call for paper★ *Internet of ThingsHuman-Computer InterfacesMulti-Agent SystemsCloud ComputingModeling and Simulation
*Biomedical EngineeringControl AlgorithmsEmbedded Reconfigurable, Evolvable SystemsImage Processing and Pattern RecognitionInformation Theory & Coding
*Streamed multimedia applicationsImage and video processingError concealment techniquesManagement of multimedia services
*Grid ComputingMobile ComputingMobile DatabasesNetworking Protocols, Routing, AlgorithmsNetwork Security
*Optical networks and switchingNetwork architectures and equipmentProgrammable networksNew and enhanced services
*Traffic modelingEmbedded Internet devicesNew and enhanced servicesResource and information managementMore information, please go to: http://www.ssip.org/cfp.html
★Submission★Full Paper(publication and oral presentation)Abstract(oral presentation only)Electronic Submission System (.pdf) http://confsys.iconf.org/submission/ssip2023
★Contact★Conference Secretary: Ms. Nayia ShenSSIP 2023 E-mail: ssip@bmail.orgTel: 86-18081079313; 86-(0)28-86256789(Processing Time: Monday to Friday 09:30AM-18:00PM in China (holiday excepted)
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