Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference (TMA 2018)
June 26-29, 2018, Vienna, Austria

Paper registration deadline --) February 9, 2018
Paper submission deadline --) February 16, 2018
Author notification --) April 16, 2018

We are very excited to announce the second edition of the new Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference (TMA 2018).
TMA Conference is a highly selective venue for the presentation of both early-stage and mature research as well as controversial work on all the aspects of network measurements.
TMA 2018 will include three new events within its main program, including a full-day TMA Experts Session (running on Tuesday the 26th), a Special Session on Hands-on Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis and a Demo Session.
The TMA Experts Session will consist of invited talks and panels from top experts, covering hot topics linked to TMA.

TMA Conference 2018 will offer a Best Paper Award, a Best Open Dataset Award and a Best Demo Award, and authors of selected top papers will be invited to submit an extended version of their paper to a highly-ranked journal for fast-track processing.

The conference will be co-located with the traditional TMA PhD school (running on Monday and Tuesday 25th and 26th), started back in 2010 and recognized today as the most important PhD school in network measurement and analysis topics.

Call for Papers
As we witness the explosion of demand for bandwidth and exciting changes in the ways we do networking brought about by SDN, virtualization, Cloud, IoT and ubiquitous broadband wireless, we are facing new challenges in measurement and analysis across the entire network stack, from the physical layer up to applications and services in the Cloud. TMA 2018 is therefore inviting submissions presenting new ideas, experiences, and results in collection, processing, analysis and presentation of network and traffic data, which may address performance enhancement, monitoring, management, security, privacy or other uses of network data.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
-Traffic measurement, analysis, characterization, visualization and classification
-The use of Data Analytics, Data Mining, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in network measurement and analysis
-The use of Big Data, High-Rate Processing and Data Reduction in network measurement, analysis and visualization
-Measurements of data centers or cloud-based systems
-Measurements of Software-Defined Networks (SDN) and Virtual Network Functions (VNF)
-Measurements of home, mobile and wireless traffic including devices with multiple network paths
-Application-layer measurements, including web services, social networks, mobile applications
-Measurements of Quality of Service and Quality of Experience, for network services using audio, video, virtual/augmented reality and gaming
-Measurements on testbeds, experimental networks or prototype networks
-Simulation and modelling for network measurements, analysis and visualization
-Applications of traffic analysis for security, anomaly/vulnerability/attack detection and user profiling/privacy
-Identification and classification of traffic, including encrypted and proprietary protocols
-Techniques for and implications of privacy preservation, enhancement and anonymization in the context of traffic measurements
-Measurements of network performance and network structure
-Platforms for measurement, troubleshooting, management, and control of operational networks
-Current and emerging regulatory frameworks for measurement, analysis and privacy
-Measurement of traditional and new protocols (e.g. TCP, MPTCP, HTTP/2, QUIC) and modes of communication (e.g. NFC and IoT)
-Validation and repeatability of measurements, shared datasets, collaborative platforms

Submission Instructions
Authors should only submit original work that has not been published before and is not under submission to any other venue. Submissions must not exceed 8 pages in IEEE 2-column style, including references. Submissions that do not comply with these requirements will be rejected without review. Papers accepted for presentation will be published in the IFIP Open Digital Library, with open access, and submitted to IEEE Xplore.

Important Dates
Paper registration: Friday, February 9, 2018
Paper submission: Friday, February 16, 2018
Author notification: Monday, April 16, 2018
Camera ready: Monday, May 14, 2018

General Chair
Pedro Casas, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology (Austria)

Program Chairs
Amogh Dhamdhere, CAIDA UC San Diego (USA)
Nur Zincir-Heywood, Dalhousie University (Canada)

Publicity Chairs
Alessandro D’Alconzo, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology (Austria)
Romain Fontugne, IIJ Research Lab (Japan)
Eduardo Grampin, Universidad de la República (Uruguay)
Oliver Hohlfeld, RWTH Aachen University (Germany)
Srikanth Sundaresan, University of California Berkeley (USA)
Uyen Trang Nguyen, York University (Canada)

Sponsorship Chair
Dario Rossi, Télécom ParisTech (France)

Steering Committee
Pere Barlet-Ros, UPC BarcelonaTech (Spain)
Alessio Botta, University of Napoli Federico II (Italy)
Christian Callegari, CNIT (Italy)
Alberto Dainotti, CAIDA UC San Diego (USA)
Emir Halepovic, AT&T Labs - Research (USA)
Aniket Mahanti, University of Auckland (New Zealand)
Marco Mellia, Politecnico di Torino (Italy)
Aiko Pras, University of Twente (Netherlands)
Fabio Ricciato, University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)
Ramin Sadre, Université catholique de Louvain (Belgium)
Sandrine Vaton, Télécom Bretagne (France)

با جستجو در پایگاه داده‌های ویپاب، کنفرانس علمی مورد نظر خود را بیابید و یا به ثبت اطلاعات یک کنفرانس بپردازید.