(IEEE-ICCAR 2018) 2018 The 4th International Conference on Control, Automation and Robotics--Ei Compendex & SCOPUS

2018 The 4th IEEE International Conference on Control, Automation and Robotics (ICCAR 2018) is to be held in【Auckland, New Zealand】during April 20-22, 2018. Details please visit: http://www.iccar.org/index.html

Selected and registered papers will be published by IEEE Conference Publication and indexed by *Ei Compendex & SCOPUS*.

History of ICCAR:
ICCAR 2017, Nagaya, Japan, April 22-24, 2017.
Publication: IEEE Conference Proceedings
Online: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/tocresult.jsp?isnumber=7942645

ICCAR 2016, Hong Kong, April 28-30, 2016.
Publication: IEEE Conference Proceedings
Online: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/tocresult.jsp?isnumber=7486682
ICCAR 2016 Proceedings has been indexed by EI Compendex and SCOPUS.

ICCAR 2015, Singapore, May 20-22, 2015.
Publication: IEEE Conference Proceedings
Online: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/mostRecentIssue.jsp?reload=true&punumber=7153096
ICCAR 2015 Proceedings has been indexed by EI Compendex and SCOPUS.

Keynote &Plenary Speakers
Prof. Mo El-Hawary, Dalhousie University, Canada
Dr. Ferial El-Hawary, Dalhousie U., Canada
Prof. Wei-Hsin Liao, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Conference Program Preview:
April 20th, 2018 10:00-17:00 Registration, collecting conference materials
14:00-17:00 Opening Remarks & Keynote Speeches
April 21st, 2018 9:00-10:30 Plenary Speeches, Oral & Poster Sessions
9:00-17:00 Oral & Poster Sessions
April 22nd, 2018 9:00-12:00 Social Event

Conference Venue:
Auckland University of Technology,New Zealand
Address: 55 Wellesley Street East, Auckland 1010

Call for Paper:
Intelligent Control Systems and Optimization
Robotics and Automation
Signal Processing, Sensors, Systems Modelling and Control
Industrial Engineering, Production and Management

Ms. Ella Chen/ +86 1397 222222 4/ iccarconf@163.com
با جستجو در پایگاه داده‌های ویپاب، کنفرانس علمی مورد نظر خود را بیابید و یا به ثبت اطلاعات یک کنفرانس بپردازید.