We invite Researchers\Scientist\Scholars to submit their proposals for paper presentations. Full research papers, and abstracts are welcome. The submission must meet the required format and cover the following: 1. Backgrounds/ Research goals / Objectives 2. Methods 3. Expected results/ conclusions/ contributions 4. Keywords Submission shall pass the double blind paper review first in order to be presented in the conference. Upon the registration payment, Accepted manuscripts will be published in ISBN: 978-1-3663733-0-0 conference proceedings All selected conference papers will be published free of cost in our associated journals that are having unique ISSN and Published on quarterly basis. These journals are indexed by: Google Scholar CrossRef Doi System Abstract The abstract should be a summary of your presentation. The submission should be typed single-spaced in 12-point type Times New Roman in Microsoft Word file or PDF. The length should be within 400-500 words. Attention 1. Authors are required to certify that their papers represent original works and are previously unpublished elsewhere. Simultaneous submission to any other conference, workshop or journal is strictly prohibited. 2. Plagiarism and self-plagiarism are strictly prohibited. In order to protect intellectual property rights of others and the authors’ own academic reputation, we are strongly against this ruthless conduct. 3. Authors should take responsibilities for their submissions. Any violations of the above regulations are criminal actions. 4. Submissions that do not meet/ follow the conference submission rules and format will be returned for modification. 5. The online submission also indicates the copyright agreement to publish the submissions for all purposes of conference usage without further notice. Format of Presentation: You are expected to present your paper within 20 minutes including question time. The session will be divided equally between the presenters. Each presenter will be expected to have the presentation slides in Microsoft Power Point saved in CD or USB. Important Dates & information: Conference Date: April 09-10, 2018 Abstract Submission Date: March 10, 2018 Venue:The Cape Milner 2a Milner Road Tamboerskloof Cape Town, South Africa Submit your manuscript at: acgbm@afracademy.com or for online submission click here: For further details or any assistance required feel free to contact us at: acgbm@afracademy.com
با جستجو در پایگاه داده‌های ویپاب، کنفرانس علمی مورد نظر خود را بیابید و یا به ثبت اطلاعات یک کنفرانس بپردازید.