Welcome to Taicang, China to attend the 10th Asia Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Aerospace Engineering (MEAE 2024) during October 18th to 20th, 2024. It's sponsored by Northwestern Polytechnical University, China and hosted by School of Civil Aviation and the School of Astronautics at Northwestern Polytechnical University.

*Call for Paper
 ★Aerospace Mechatronics and Avionics Systems:Advanced theoretical modelsAdvances in aerospace technology★Mechanical Engineering in Aerospace:Applied Plasma and FusionAerodynamics and Aeroacoustics★Aerospace CommunicationsAircraft NavigationAntennas★Aerospace Engineering and ManagementAirport Management and OperationsAircraft Maintenance ManagementFor details about topics, please visit at http://www.meae.org/cfp.html

*Organizing Committee
Advisory Committee ChairsYong JIANG, China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation (China)Guanghui WU, Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China, Ltd. (China)Jinwu XIANG, Beihang University (China)Di ZHANG, Shanghai Jiaotong University (China)Kun ZHU, China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation (China)
**Advisory CommitteeMeng CHEN, Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology (China)Zengtao CHEN, University of Alberta (Canada)Feng GAO, Shanghai Jiaotong University (China)Hongbo GUO, Beihang University (China)Bing LI, Harbin Institute of Technology (China)Yulong LI, Northwestern Polytechnical University (China)Zhengqiang LI, State Key Laboratory of Airliner Integration Technology andFlight Simulation (China)Jiaqi LIU, China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (China)Shibin LUO, Central South University (China)Hua MENG, Zhejiang University (China)Hua OUYANG, Shanghai Jiaotong University (China)Weizong WANG, Beihang University (China)Shufan WU, Shanghai Jiaotong University (China)An YAN, China Aerospace Science & Industry Corporation (China)Xiaokui YUE, Northwestern Polytechnical University (China)Youmin ZHANG, Concordia University (Canada)Zheng Hong Zhu, York University, Canada (Canada)
**Conference ChairsYang LI, Northwestern Polytechnical University (China)Liang YU, Northwestern Polytechnical University (China)
**Program ChairsYue GAO, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (China)Weikang JIANG, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (China)Hao LIU, Beihang University (China)Ian McAndrew, Capitol Technology University (USA)Lei QIU, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (China)Shuquan WANG, Chinese Academy of Sciences (China)Weiwei ZHANG, Northwestern Polytechnical University (China)
**Program Co-ChairsHao CUI, Northwestern Polytechnical University (China)Chong Wen Tong, University of Malaya (Malaysia)Haizhao LIANG, Sun Yat-Sen University (China)Jian LIU, Central South University (China)Haifeng MA, Shandong University (China)Desheng XU, State Key Laboratory of Airliner Integration Technology andFlight Simulation (China)Zhinan ZHANG, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (China)
**Publicity ChairsABEL CHEROUAT, University of Technology of Troyes (France)Zhen CUI, Beijing Institude of Control Engineering (China)Lingchao MENG, Northwestern Polytechnical University (China)Sümer Sahin, Bahcesehir University (Turkey)Xun WANG, Beihang University (China)Jianying WANG, Sun Yat-Sen University (China)
**Publication ChairsHonghua DAI, Northwestern Polytechnical University (China)Yikai JIA, Northwestern Polytechnical University (China)Benshuai Lyu, Peking University (China)
**Workshop ChairZubin LIU, Zhejiang University of Technology (China)Huancai LU, Zhejiang University of Technology (China)
**Local Committee ChairHongkai JIANG, Northwestern Polytechnical University (China)
*Publication***************************Submitted papers will be peer reviewed by conference committees. Accepted papers will be published into MEAE 2024 Conference Proceedings, which will be archived in IEEE Xplore, and indexed by EI Compendex, Scopus, and other indexing services.

*Special Session
Advanced Materials and Computing for Aero EnginesNoise and Vibration in ErgonomicsAdvanced Testing Techniques of Flows and AcousticsNon-contact Monitoring and Diagnostic Technology for Rotating BladesAI-embedded New Notional Autonomous Systems and Their Application LandscapesArtificial Intelligence in AerodynamicsStructural Health Monitoring in Aerospace StructuresSound and Vibration Control Based on Advanced Smart Flexible StructuresMultiphase Flows and Cavitation in Aerospace EngineeringSpace Intelligence Technology and ApplicationsVibration Control and Signal Processing of Mechanical SystemsStructural Integrity and Dynamics of Aerospace Complex SystemsAdditive Manufacturing and ApplicationsDigital Twin Technologies of Aero-enginesIntelligent Sensing and Fault Diagnosis of Mechanical EquipmentDigital Quality Control of Aerospace Equipment

*Submission Methods
1. Full Paper (Publication and Presentation)
2. Abstract (Presentation Only)Note: Only Full paper submission will be published in conference proceedings if it's accepted.
Online Submission System: http://www.zmeeting.org/submission/meae2024Any question, please contact meae_conf@163.com

*Agenda Overview
October 18, 2024 -- Registration & Material Collecting & Lab VisitingOctober 19, 2024 -- Openning Remarks & Keynote Speeches & Parallel SessionsOctober 20, 2024 -- Invited Speeches & Parallel Sessions & Parallel Sessions

*Contact Us
Conference Secretary: Ms. Lily Zeng
E-mail: meae_conf@163.com
Tel: +86-18011350771(office time 10:30 - 17:30, Time zone: GMT+8 | Monday to Friday)
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