Power science and engineering is very valuable, which impacts most every area of daily life. From powering handheld devices to lighting streets and buildings to increasing the efficiency of industry, it is a component of modern living that millions depend on without fully appreciating. There are increasing need of electrical distribution and the shortage of availability, especially in the rural areas of some developing countries. In such situation, ICPSE conference are aiming to brings together cutting-edge researchers, professionals related to power science and engineering drawn from academia, industry, and government, to gather to present and discuss the latest research results and topics.

2023 12th International Conference on Power Science and Engineering (ICPSE 2023) will be held during September 22-24, 2023 in Eskişehir Technical University, Turkey. We sincerely invite you to submit your work in abstracts or full papers to the conference. As an international academic forum where practitioners, researchers, and developers meet to learn and to exchange practical ideas and experiences in power generation - conventional and renewable, power system management, power transmission and distribution, etc., we welcome your contributions.
ICPSE2023 is hosted by Eskişehir Technical University, Turkey, sponsored by Wuhan University, China and SCIence and Engineering Institute, supported by Yildiz Teknik University, Turkey.

با جستجو در پایگاه داده‌های ویپاب، کنفرانس علمی مورد نظر خود را بیابید و یا به ثبت اطلاعات یک کنفرانس بپردازید.