Debate environment to be developed while redefining national and international security paradigms will contribute to correct formation of ecosystem. Therefore, “New Security Ecosystem and Multilateral Cost” main-themed Istanbul Security Conference 2017 will be held on November 01-03rd 2017 with joint efforts of TASAM, National Defense and Security Institute and Nisantasi University. Agenda Topics which are determined for the conference, expected participation of state representatives, academicians, policy makers, experts, members of think tanks, members of security institutions, bureaucrats and other participants, related in these subjects are below.

Main Theme
New Security Ecosystem and Multilateral Cost

Sub-Themes (Panels)
Classical and New Transnational Organization
Preventative and Compulsive Diplomacy
The End of Regionalism: Global Security
Soft Power and Its Components
Intelligence: Information / Disinformation
Intelligent Cities and Security Governance
International Migration and Protection of Borders
Conflict Children; Education, Conservation and Rehabilitation
Infrastructure Security: Communication, Energy, Water and Food etc.
Resource Sharing: Production, Consumption Growth and Distribution
Cost of Security and Preferences
New Nature of Defense and Security Technologies
New Media and Securitized Reflection
Security Bureaucracy and Internal Governance Models / Reform
Economics of Power and Security Governance
NATO and the United States; The Future of the Alliance and the Sharing of the Cost
Normalization in the Middle East: New Security Administration
Internal and External "Union" Security in Europe
Eurasian Changing Geopolitics and Security Paradigms
Asia Pacific; New Normals in Security
Africa; Security Demographics in Today and Future
Latin America and the Caribbean; Governance of Diversity and Security Perspectives

If you are interested in submitting a paper, you will need to submit via with an MS Word document include follows:

-Title of your paper
-300 word abstract, 5 keywords
-Affiliation and short biography (not detailed CV)

Deadline for submission of abstract : 02.08.2017
Successful authors will be notified by : 14.08.2017
Deadline for submission of full text : 20.10.2017
Deadline for submission of revised full text : 13.11.2017
با جستجو در پایگاه داده‌های ویپاب، کنفرانس علمی مورد نظر خود را بیابید و یا به ثبت اطلاعات یک کنفرانس بپردازید.