The ANIMH welcomes proposals from engineers, experts in information technology, information science, management, business logistics, and computer science including executives, academics, consultants, professional researchers, independent scholars, consultants, practitioners, and PhD/graduate students in statistics, mathematics, engineering, database quality control, management, computing technology, and engineering economics. Conference Proceedings Conference documents including the names, titles, institutions, and countries of authors/presenters/speakers, will be published in online abstract proceeding. Authors who wish to be published in the conference proceedings are encouraged to submit their proposals before the deadline. Peer Review Process All submitted abstracts/papers/posters will go through a blind peer review process and accepted manuscripts will be published in ISBN: 978-0-9448745-9-2 in conference proceedings. Conference proceeding will be submitted to the concerned top rated bodies for consideration and indexation. Publishing Options Selected conference papers will be published in special/regular issue of Scopus indexed journals, Google Scholar, Cross Ref and DOI associated with this conference. Associated journals will allocate a special/regular issue for papers submitted to this conference. Conference Agenda | Schedule Conference agenda and presentation schedule to be determined later after all proposals/abstracts have been received- usually 15-10 days before a conference. Please note that only those authors will be included in the conference program who will register in given deadlines. All selected conference papers will be published free of cost in our associated journals that are having unique ISSN and Published on quarterly basis. These journals are indexed by: Google Scholar CrossRef Doi System Main Tracks of the conferences: Track 1 – Smart Engineering Technology Track 2 – Smart Data Science and Big Data Track 3 – Smart Information Technology Management Track 4 – Smart Digital Economy and Business Management Track 5 – Smart Citizen, Policy, and Social Management Track 6 – Smart Educational and Healthcare Management Conference Details: Conference Date: May 14-15, 2018 Venue: Hotel Jen Hong Kong 508 Queen’s Road West, Hong Kong Submit your manuscript at: or for online submission click here: Abstract Submission Date: April 01, 2018 For further details or any assistance required feel free to contact us at:
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