The 13th IEEE International Conference on eScience

24–27 October 2017, Auckland, New Zealand

The thirteenth IEEE eScience conference will be held in Auckland, New Zealand from 24 October 2017. The objective of the eScience Conference is to promote and encourage all aspects of eScience and its associated technologies, applications, and tools.

The way in which research is carried out is undergoing a series of radical changes as a result of the digital revolution. Researchers in all disciplines are increasingly adopting digital tools, techniques and practices in communities and projects that span multiple disciplines, laboratories, organizations, and national boundaries. eScience 2017 brings together leading international and interdisciplinary research communities, developers, and users of eScience applications and enabling IT technologies. The conference serves as the premier forum to present the results of the latest research and product/tool developments and to highlight related activities from around the world.

We are particularly interested in advances in the application of technology in a particular discipline. Accordingly, significant advances in practice are considered to be as important as the development of new technologies themselves. Further, we welcome contributions in educational activities under any of these disciplines. As a result, the conference will be structured around the following eScience themes:

Arts, Humanities and Social Science
Bioinformatics and Health
Physical Sciences and Engineering
Climate, Environmental and Earth Sciences
Data Science, Digital Repositories, Data Management and Big Data
Research Software Engineering and Computational Science
Cyberinfrastructure to support eScience, including novel hardware, software and services
eScience in the cloud
Education, training and eScience practice
Key Dates

Submissions Due: Friday 23 June 2017

Notification of Acceptance: Friday 21 July 2017

Authors are invited to submit unpublished, original work, using the IEEE 8.5 × 11 manuscript guidelines: double-column text using single-spaced 10 point font on 8.5 × 11 inch pages. Templates are available from

The conference proceedings will be made available online through the IEEE Digital Library.

Three types of papers will be accepted:

Full research papers (up to 10 pages): focus on new research achievements in eScience, spanning core technologies and applications.
Experience papers (up to 10 pages): focus on practical outcomes through applying eScience tools and techniques to novel problems.
Posters (up to 2 pages): focus on early stage results for presentation in a poster session, giving presenters a chance to showcase their latest results and innovations.
Authors should submit a PDF to

Submissions will be fully peer-reviewed. It is a requirement that at least one author of each accepted paper attend the conference.

General Chairs: Nick Jones: New Zealand eScience Infrastructure, Mik Black: University of Otago

PC Chairs: David Abramson: University of Queensland, Gillian Dobbie: University of Auckland,

David Eyers: University of Otago
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