We would like to invite you to attend the 13th International Conference on Persuasive Technology in Waterloo, Canada, next year. Paper submission deadline is November 1, 2017.

Please feel free to distribute this CfP to anyone you think might be interested.

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The 13th International Conference on Persuasive Technology
April 16-19, 2018, Waterloo, Canada
Paper submission deadline: November 1, 2017

Persuasive Technology (PT) is a vibrant interdisciplinary research field, focusing on the design, development and evaluation of interactive technologies aimed at changing people’s attitudes or behaviors through persuasion and social influence, but not through coercion or deception.

The 13th international conference on Persuasive Technologies will be hosted by the University of Waterloo, Canada, a short drive from the beautiful multicultural city of Toronto. This is the first time that the Persuasive Technology conference has come to Canada. The previous successful conferences have been organized in Amsterdam, Salzburg, Chicago, Padua, Sydney, Linköping, Columbus, Copenhagen, Claremont, Oulu, Palo Alto, and Eindhoven.

The conference will bring together researchers and practitioners from industry and academia who are working in the field of persuasive technologies. As a community we aim at enriching people’s lives in various domains – e.g., health, safety, and the environment – by supporting their personal goals to change their behavior.

2018 Special Theme: Persuasive Technology – Making a Difference

This years special theme for the Persuasive Technology conference is “Making a difference”. This theme is both a celebration of what Persuasive Technology has accomplished, and a challenge for where Persuasive Technology can make a difference in the future. As a result we invite papers that show clearly the design of persuasive technologies with the explicit goal of creating behavioural change, and papers that show that persuasive technologies made a difference. Papers that explore methods to improve the understanding of persuasive interventions, and the measurement of behaviour change are also encouraged. We also encourage papers that exploring new frontiers for persuasive technology, such as personalized persuasion, uses of big data, new ways of creating engagement through gaming or social connection. Persuasive technologies in various domains (health, energy usage, social commitment and others) and creative and effective uses of persuasion through various technologies (web, wearables, AI, and smart environments) will be considered.

We welcome a wide diversity of papers. Papers eligible for acceptance may address the application of PT in different domains (e.g., health, safety, energy, etc.), examine the specific psychological mechanisms that positively or negatively influence PT effectiveness (e.g., habits, reciprocity, social comparison), the ethics of persuasive technology, focus on technology that provides input to persuasion attempts (e.g., sensors, monitoring, AI, etc.), or emphasize methodology (for design, evaluation, implementation, etc.). Whatever the focus, we especially welcome papers that focus on technology as a means to study interactions between humans and PT, are grounded in relevant and up-to-date theory, transcend a mere showcasing of applications, and address the generalizability of results.

The list below provides some additional examples (in no particular order); eligible papers are not limited to these specific examples.

Personalized health care (e.g. health, wellbeing, happiness)
Personalized medicine
Healthy environments
Sustainable environment
Persuasive wellbeing
Persuasive cities
eLearning and training
Marketing and e-commerce

Technological and design perspective
Big data systems
Sensing technology
Early warning systems
Intelligent systems
Smart environments
Connected devices (Internet of Things)
Design of feedback
Multimodal interaction
Persuasive systems, interfaces, visualization
Socially influencing systems
Computer-supported influence
Tailored, persuasive, and personalized systems
Mobile, pervasive and ubiquitous persuasion

Design methodologies
Behavior change support systems design
Big data methodologies
Evaluation and validation
Machine learning
(Ecological) monitoring
Persuasion through gamification

Mass persuasion and interactive technologies
Cognition and persuasive technology
Ethics and moral issues
Cultural influences
Humanizing and/or dehumanizing effects of persuasive technology
Unconscious processes
Habits and habit change
Social practices
Cultural values
Competition, social comparison
HCI issues

Unexpected effects of PT
Disruptive technology
Persuasive backfiring
Peripheral interaction
Slow technology

Contributions can be made in the following categories:
Paper (short and long)
Doctoral consortium

Please check www.persuasive2018.org for further details and for deeper descriptions of the contribution types.

General chair: Catherine Burns
Organizing chair: Plinio Morita
Program chairs: Jaap Ham and Evangelos Karapanos
Tutorial and Doctoral Symposium chair: Lisette van Gemert-Pijnen
Workshop chair: Rita Orji
Social Media Team: David Zehao Qin, Dia Rahman, Agnis Stibe
Administration: Krystina Bednarowski

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