★Call for papers★
The conference topics include, but are not limited to:* Aerial and Underwater Robotics* Bio-inspired Robotics* Cable Robots, Cognitive Robotics* Cognitive Approach for Robotics* Collaborative Robotics* Collective and Social Robots* Control and Supervision Systems* Human-Robots Interfaces* Humanoid Robots* Humanoids
More Topics, please visit at http://icrai.org/topic.html

★ Publication:
Submitted papers will be reviewed by 2-3 peer reviewers.And after reviewing, accepted and presented papers in ICRAI 2024 will be published by International Conference Proceedings Series by ACM (ISBN: 979-8-4007-1745-1), indexed by EI Compendex, Scopus.

★ Publication History:
• ICRAI 2022-Singapore | November 18-20, 2022ISSN: 978-1-4503-9754-4 | Ei Compendex and Scopus• ICRAI 2021-Guangzhou, China | November 19-22, 2021ISBN: 978-1-4503-8585-5 | Ei Compendex and Scopus• ICRAI 2020-Singapore (Virtual) | November 20-22, 2020ISBN: 978-1-4503-8859-7 | Ei Compendex and Scopus• ICRAI 2019-Singapore | November 22-24, 2019ISBN: 978-1-4503-7235-0 | Ei compendex and Scopus• ICRAI 2018-Guangzhou, China | November 17-19, 2018ISBN: 978-1-4503-6584-0 | Ei compendex and Scopus

1. Full paper (publication and presentation)
2. Abstract (presentation only)
For full paper and abstract, please upload it to the Electronic Submission System (.pdf)(https://www.zmeeting.org/submission/ICRAI2024)Send your enquiry to icraiconf@outlook.comMore details about submission, please visit at http://icrai.org/sub.html

★★Conference Schedule★★
DAY 1 November 15, 202410 am--4 pm: Conference Sign in and Materials CollectionDAY 2 November 16, 202409:00 am--09:10 am Welcome Message by the conference chair09:10 am--09:50 am Keynote Speech I09:50 am--10:30 am Keynote Speech II10:30 am--10:50 am Break Time10:50 am--11:30 am Keynote Speech III11:30 am--12:10 pm Plenary Speech I12:10 pm--12:15 pm Group Photo Taking12:15 pm--14:00 pm Lunch Time14:00 pm--16:00 pm Session I for Authors' Presentations16:00 pm--16:15 pm Break Time16:15 pm--18:15 pm Session II for Authors' Presentations18:15 pm--18:30 pm Best Presentations Awards for Session I&II18:30 pm--20:30 pm Dinner Banquet
DAY 3 November 17, 202409:30 am--12:00 pm Session III for Authors' Presentations12:00 pm--14:00 pm Lunch Time14:00 pm--16:00 pm Session IV for Authors' Presentations16:00 pm--16:15 pm Break Time16:15 pm--18:15 pm Session V for Authors' Presentations18:15 pm--18:30 pm Best Presentation Awards for Session III, IV&V18:30 pm--18:40 pm Closing Ceremony by Conference Chair

★Conference Venue:
NTU@one-northAdd: 11 Slim Barracks Rise, (off North Buona Vista Road), NTU@one-north campus, Executive Centre #09-09, Singapore

★★Contact:Ms. Carrie Lee (Conference Secretary)
Email: icraiconf@outlook.com
Tel: +86-183 8100 8370
Wechat No: asr2020217 (Note: ICRAI 2024)
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