2024 16th International Conference on Graphics and Image Processing (ICGIP 2024) in Nanjing, China during November 8-10, 2024.- Sponsored by Nanjing University of Science and Technology, China- Organized by School of Computer Science and Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, China; Jiangsu Computer Society; Jiangsu Association of Artificial Intelligence;- Co-sponsored by Soochow University; Suzhou University of Science and Technology; Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications; Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology;★★ PublicationThe accepted papers will be included in ICGIP 2024 conference proceedings.ICGIP has credible publication index records: http://icgip.org/history.html★★Call for papers★★Topic about Graphics and Image ProcessingTrack 1: Fundamentals and methods of image processing(Discrete Cosine Transforms, Discrete Hilbert Transforms, Fuzzy Logic Applications in Signal Processing, Image segmentation, Pattern recognition and analysis, Spectral Analysis, Wavelet Transforms)Track 2: Image acquisition and analysis(3-D and Surface Reconstruction, Detection and Estimation of Signal Parameters, Filter Design, Fast Fourier Transforms, Filter Design and Structures, FIR Filters, IIR Filters)Track 3: Computer vision and visualization (Super-resolution imaging, Video Signal Processing, Visualization, Motion and Video Analysis, Tracking and Surveillance, Physics-based Vision, Computer art and entertainment (including games))Track 4: Computer graphics and image processing(3D imaging, Texture, Shape, and Color, Restoration, Super Resolution, Computational geometry, Computer animation, Fractal geometry and applications, Illumination and reflection techniques)Track 5: Image information security and management(Content-based Image retrieval, Watermarking, Image and Video Retrieval, Image storage and leaks, Image authentication, Image encryption technology, Image recognition and authentication)Track 6: Digital image processing and Application(Digital Signal Processing, Medical image processing, Radar Image Processing, Sonar Image Processing, Digital Multimedia Broadcasting, Image & Signal Processing Applications, Image generation, acquisition, and processing)For details about topics, please visit at http://icgip.org/cfp.html★★Special Chapter★★*Call for Special SessionsICGIP 2024 solicits proposals for special sessions within the technical scope of the conference.For details: http://icgip.org/cfs.html★Submission★1. Full paper (publication and presentation)For full paper, please upload it to the Electronic Submission System (.pdf): http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icgip20242. Abstract (presentation)For abstract, please send it to icgip_conf@vip.163.comMore detail about submission, please visit at: http://icgip.org/sub.html★★Conference Venue Location★★ http://www.icgip.org/par.html★★ContactMs. Robin Luo (Conference Secretary)Email: icgip_conf@vip.163.comTelephone : +86-182-2760-9313Official website: http://icgip.org/
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