Publication:All accepted papers after proper registration and presentation, will be included in the conference proceedings and submitted for Ei Compendex and Scopus Index.

Call For Papers:
★Power Electronics and Key Technologies Advanced Power SemiconductorsSemiconductor TechnologyDiagnosis And Sensing SystemsPower DistributionPower Electronics and Power DrivesPower Market and Power System EconomicsPower System and Its AutomationElectromagnetic Transients Programs
★Electrical Engineering and Automation Converters and InvertersElectric Drivers And ApplicationElectrical Machinery And Electrical ApparatusElectrical Materials And ProcessMaterials For ElectrotechnicsComputation Intelligence In Electrical Engineering
★Energy Utilization and DevelopmentDistributed Generation, Fuel Cells And RenewablePower Flow AnalysisEnergy SystemsEnergy ConservationPower Systems and EnergyWind, Solar and Renewable Energy
More Topics:

Submission Methods: 
Full Paper(publication and oral presentation)Abstract(oral presentation only)Please log in the Electronic Submission System to submit your paper.
--Electronic Submission System:
--By email:

Contacts:Ms. Chiko
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