14th Pharmacovigilance 2017
“Ensuring safer drugs to market by analyzing latest developments in pharmacovigilance, drug safety and risk management”
9th November 2017, Kohinoor Continental Hotel, Mumbai, India

The Pharmacovigilance conference, organized yearly by Virtue Insight, is a unique event where key stakeholders gather with the aim of promoting patient safety and undertaking to continue work towards a more efficient pharmacovigilance system. In the spirit of constructive cooperation, this event brings together representatives from the industry and regulators as well as healthcare professionals and patient organisations.
14th Pharmacovigilance 2017 will bring together key thought leaders and experts to explore these worldwide challenges. This is your opportunity to engage and sit alongside the pioneers who are driving forward innovation in pharmacovigilance. Explore benefit-risk management strategies and patient-centric approaches; discuss how you can tackle the challenges of social media and drug safety legislation globally.
Morning sessions reflect on achievements so far and focus on the milestones ahead. An open dialogue between key stakeholders has proven to be the right approach for making significant progress towards better pharmacovigilance for better public protection. Traditional afternoon brainstorming sessions stimulate a lively, engaging debate incorporating all perspectives. Hot topics are debated to identify the best possible processes and tools leading to better access to high quality medicines in India.
For more visit: http://www.virtueinsight.com/pharma/14th-Pharmacovigilance-2017/
Media Relations:
E: Kavitha@virtueinsight.co.in
P: +91 9940791115

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