INTRODUCTION Malaysia Doctorate Support Group is pleased to organize 2018 2nd Progress in Continuing Engineering Education and Life Long Learning International Conference 2018 (CEELLIC 2018) on 14-16 September 2018 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. This international level conference its aim to be more specific in the development in the area of Progress in Continuing Engineering Education and Life Long Learning and related issue. The conference provide a platform where researchers, professionals, academicians and industries to share and generate forum of the latest Progress in Continuing Engineering Education and Life Long Learning and related research and development. * Author need to choose one journal. OPTION 1- ERA Journal All accepted CEELLIC ​2018 papers will be published in World Applied Sciences Journal (WASJ) (ISSN: 1818-4952) (ERA, EBSCO inc.. CABI, CSA, FSTA, DOAJ, e-journals Database, Index Copernicus) OPTION 2 - ISI Journal Web of Science ™ Core Collection ​(Thomson Reuters: Emerging Sources Citation Index) All accepted CEELLIC 2018 paper will be published in International Journal of ADVANCED AND APPLIED SCIENCES (IJAAS) EISSN: 2313-3724 ISSN:2313-626X (ISI Journal, Emerging Sources Citation Index, Google Scholar, DOAL, DRJI, Research Bible, Iran Journal) ​or other ESCI Journal based OPTION 3 - Scopus Journal All accepted CEELLIC 2018 papers will be published in Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (JEAS) (ISSN:18187803 ) (Scopus Journal) or other Scopus Journal based OPTION 4 - Scopus Journal All accepted CEELLIC 2018 papers will be published in the Special Issues in ADVANCED SCIENCE LETTERS ISSN: 1936-6612 EISSN: 1936-7317 (H Index 21) or other Scopus Journal based OPTION 5 - ISI Journal Web of Science ™ Core Collection ​(Thomson Reuters: Emerging Sources Citation Index) All accepted CEELLIC 2018 paper will be published in Communications in Mathematics and Applications (CMA) ISSN 0976-5905 ISSN 0976-5905 (AMS Digital Mathematics Registry, Emerging Sources Citation Index (Thomson Reuters), Google Scholar(R) or other ESCI Journal based OPTION 6- ISI Journal Web of Science ™ Core Collection All accepted CEELLIC 2018 paper will be published in the Special Issues in Journal of Informatics and Mathematical Sciences (JIMS) ISSN: 0974-875X ISSN: 0974-875X EISSN: 0975-5748 (EBSCO Host(R), The Emerging Sources Citation Index (Thomson Reuters), AMS Digital Mathematics Registry, Google Scholar(R) or other ESCI Journal based ​Important Dates:- PAPER SUBMISSION DEADLINE ​ 30.04.2018 Looking forward to your support, participation & contribution in 2018 2nd Progress in Continuing Engineering Education and Life Long Learning International Conference (CEELLIC 2018) See you in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia!! Warm Regards, Director of Conference Management CEELLIC 2018 Conference Website : || Email: