Ⅰ.Materials Science and EngineeringMetallic alloysCeramics and glassesNanomaterials and technologyCompositesPolymersBiomaterials
Ⅱ.Materials Processing and ManufacturingCastingWelding, Sintering, Heat TreatmentSurface engineering/CoatingMaterial formingPowder metallurgySurface treatment
Ⅲ.Material Simulation, Preparation and CharacterizationMaterials designAdvanced processing technology of materialsAnalysis and characterization of materials interface & surfaceNew technologies and theories of materials characterizationX-ray phase analysisMaterials genome engineering
Ⅳ.Materials Properties, Measuring Methods and ApplicationsDuctilityCreep resistanceElectrical propertiesDeformation and fracture mechanicsStress-strain behaviourFatigue
For details about topics, please visit http://www.iceim.org/call-for-papers.html

Key Engineering Materials (ISSN print 1013-9826; ISSN cd 1662-9809; ISSN web 1662-9795)Index: SCOPUS, REAXYS, Inspec, CAS, ProQuest, Google Scholar, etc.
Applied Mechanics and Materials (ISSN print 1660-9336, ISSN cd 2297-8941, ISSN web 1662-7482)Index: Inspec, CAS, ProQuest, Google Scholar,etc.

1. Full Paper (Publication and Presentation)
2. Abstract (Presentation Only)3. Special Session
Please upload your full paper/abstract to https://www.zmeeting.org/submission/ICEIM2024 .Please submit proposal for special session to iceim_conf@vip.163.com.
For more information about special session application, please visit http://www.iceim.org/call-for-sessions.html .

☛ CONTACTMs. Zhao (Conference Secretary)
E-mail: iceim_conf@vip.163.com
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