The Institute of Scientific and Technological Information (IDICT), the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment of the Republic of Cuba (CITMA), is pleased to invite you to participate in the XV International Congress of Information, Info'2018, which will be held March 5 to 9, 2018 at the International Conference Center of Havana, Cuba. This event will be held within the framework of II Convention on Science, Technology and Innovation, sponsored and organized event by the CITMA.

The central slogan of Info'2018 will be “Information and Knowledge: challenges for the Sustainable development”, which has been articulated in seven thematic axes that will focus the work of the different modes that are part of the Congress.

- Institutions and Information Professionals: strategies, programs, products and services, supporting the implementation of the UN Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development and the achievement of its objectives.
-Information Literacy as an instrument for the promotion of lifelong learning.
-Information and Knowledge Management, Technology Surveillance and Business Intelligence.
- Open Science: the challenges for the development of a global infrastructure for storing, curing, sharing, reusing and evaluating research results.
- Quantitative and qualitative studies for the evaluation of science and technology: methods, tools and standards for responsible use of metrics with the greatest social impact.
- Semantic Web, linked data and technologies for the massive treatment of information: its importance in the generation and sharing of knowledge.
- Information, Environment and Development: Global and local knowledge to address climate change and the sustainable use of water resources and ecosystems.

Sending of contributions and requisites of papers presentation

The interested persons in sending contributions must register in the Congress website and to complete the information requested in the form, which it includes:
Title (in Spanish and English).
- Names and surnames of the authors, e-mail, institution, country and curricula synthesis.
- Abstract (in Spanish and English) up to 250 words.
- From 3 to 5 keywords (in Spanish and English).
- File with the full text paper, in Microsoft Word (2003 - 2016), using the designed template by the event organizers, letter size pages, 2.5 cm margins and space of 1.5 lines. The minimal extension is 7 sheets of paper and the maxim is 15 sheets of paper, without including the bibliographical references. The norms and the template for the works presentation are available in the Congress website.

For more information about the inscription quota, payment form, transportation and accommodation consults the official event website.
با جستجو در پایگاه داده‌های ویپاب، کنفرانس علمی مورد نظر خود را بیابید و یا به ثبت اطلاعات یک کنفرانس بپردازید.