Accepted papers will be published in the IMMS 2024 conference proceedings as a special chapter, which will be submitted for EI Compendex, Scopus index, etc.

★Call for papers★
Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
* Strategies for Fighting Against Coronavirus (COVID-19)* Business, Economy and Coronavirus (COVID-19)* Management of Innovation and Technology* Emerging Technologies* Entrepreneurship* Global Production Network* Green Technologies* E-Health Technologies
More Topics, please visit: http://www.acmse.org/topic.html

1. Abstract (Presentation only)
2. Full paper (Presentation & Publication)
3. Submitted full papers should be prepared according to the paper template and no less than 8 pages.
4. The submitted paper is requested to be written in complete English.
Please submit the paper by Electronic Submission System: https://www.zmeeting.org/submission/wcmse2024More details about submission, please visit: http://www.acmse.org/sub.html

WCMSE 2019 | August 23-25 | Chengdu, ChinaWCMSE 2020 | August 7-9 | Full Virtual ConferenceWCMSE 2021 | August 27-29 | Full Virtual ConferenceWCMSE 2022 | August 26-28 | Full Virtual ConferenceWCMSE 2023 | August 25-27 | Chengdu, China

★Conference Venue★
Beijing, ChinaMore detail information, please click: http://www.acmse.org/venue.html

★★Contact:Ms. Shirley Ma
Email: wcmseconf@163.com
Tel: +86-18008065167
Wechat: asr2020217 (Please note with "WCMSE 2024" when you add the wechat ID)
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