2018 6th International Conference on Nano and Materials Science (ICNMS 2018)--SCOPUS, Ei Compendex
January 19-21, 2018
Orlando, USA

Dear Scholars and Researchers,

Warmest Greetings from ICNMS 2018!

We are very pleased to tell you that 2018 6th International Conference on Nano and Materials Science will be held in Orlando, USA during January 19-21, 2018.

Registered and presented papers will be will be published in volume of Key Engineering Materials
(ISSN print 1013-9826 / ISSN web 1662-9795)
Indexed by Elsevier: SCOPUS, Ei Compendex (CPX). Index Copernicus Journals Master List, Google Scholar, etc. (http://www.ttp.net/1013-9826.html)

Submission Deadline(Full Paper for publication & abstract for presentation only):
Please submit your full paper to us: icnms@saise.org

Conference Schedule:
January 19, 2018---Registration and Collecting Conference Materials
January 20, 2018---Keynote Speeches and Oral Presentations
January 21, 2018---Technical Visit

Contact us
Ms. Dayna Pan
Tel: +1-302-444-8432 (USA) / +86-180-62000004

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