Call for Papers and Posters
APBC2018 invites full papers and poster submissions on any topic related to Bioinformatics and Computational Biology.
The submitted papers must have not been published or under consideration for publication in any other journal or conference with formal proceedings.
All accepted papers will have to be presented by one of the authors at the conference.
Accepted papers will be invited to be published in the journals Bioinformatics, BMC Genomics, BMC Bioinformatics, BMC Systems Biology, IEEE/ACM TCBB, CBC following the journals' publication policy.

The Sixteenth Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference
Yokohama, Japan, 15-17 January 2018

Important Dates
Full paper submission
Full paper submission due: July 30th, 2017 August 20th, 2017, 11:59pm (extended!)
Full paper Author notification: September 30th, 2017
Full paper final version due: October 15th, 2017
Full paper author registration deadline: October 20th, 2017

Poster submission
Poster submission due: November 5th, 2017, 11:59pm
Poster Author notification: November 15th, 2017

Conference start and end dates
January 15th - 17th, 2018

The Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference series is an
annual forum for exploring research, development and
novel applications of Bioinformatics.

Use the following linked site to make your submission

General Co-Chairs
Yasubumi Sakakibara (Keio University)
Satoru Miyano (University of Tokyo)
Kiyoshi Asai (University of Tokyo)

PC Co-Chairs
Yoshihiro Yamanishi (Kyushu University)
Yasubumi Sakakibara (Keio University)
Phoebe Chen (La Trobe University)

با جستجو در پایگاه داده‌های ویپاب، کنفرانس علمی مورد نظر خود را بیابید و یا به ثبت اطلاعات یک کنفرانس بپردازید.