The 1st International ASEAN-ELT Conference conf-id-1463 Dates of Conference: March 15-17, 2018 Address of Event: Bandar Hilir, 75000 Malacca, Malaysia Location: Hotel Equatorial, Bandar Hilir, 75000 Malacca, Malaysia World Heritage City Malaysia Deadline for Submission: December 31, 2017 Conference Chair: Asean-Elt Calc Description: This conference will focus on English Language Teaching in the ASEAN region but it is open to the ELT community worldwide. The conference welcomes papers on classroom teaching, applied linguistics and English Language Studies. We have almost 700 abstract submissions for the conference. Although we closed for submissions 31 December 2017, we have, because of appeals kept submissions open. Please ensure that you submit for 15 min oral presentations or posters if you are still considering sending in a proposal. No more submissions will be accepted after the 15th of January 2018. If you intend to appeal please call the hotline. • Speakers and Participants must pay before 15 February 2018. If for some reason this is not possible you have to inform the secretariat. We expect more than 1300 participants and the queues may be long on registration day (which starts the day before the conference). Please pay early. Remember your tracking number and bring proof of payment and we’ll immediately register you and give you your conference bag. • Speakers who intend to withdraw MUST inform us BEFORE 31 January 2018. Please co-operate as failure to do so will cause disruptions to scheduling. • Please arrange for payments soon. This will help us expedite the release of official receipts from Bendahari UPM (the Bursar’s Office). Send proof of payment (scan and attach as email attachment and send it to us (ensure participant’s tracking number and name are stated) • If you are late in making payment (due to reasons beyond your control) please come to the Hotel on the 14th March 2018 (and register and pay early). We accept cash. Registration on the 14th starts at 2pm and ends at 7pm). BUT you have to INFORM THE SECRETARIAT FIRST. • Publications: Please send us the FULL PAPER BY 31 JANUARY 2018. Submission Guidelines: Contact: Prof Jayakaran Mukundan Cost: Malaysians or Foreigners Working/Residing in Malaysia : RM 350 Foreign Participants: 100USD Key Dates:
با جستجو در پایگاه داده‌های ویپاب، کنفرانس علمی مورد نظر خود را بیابید و یا به ثبت اطلاعات یک کنفرانس بپردازید.