After the success of ICNLSP 2015 (, the first edition, which had been organized in 2015 in Algiers by the Computational Linguistics Department of the Centre de Recherche Scientifique et Technique pour le Développement de la Langue Arabe, the 2nd International Conference on Natural Language and Speech Processing ICNLSP 2018 will be held in Algiers on April 25th and 26th 2018,
As ICNLSP 2015, ICNLSP 2018 is funded by Algerian ministry of higher education and scientific research.
ICNLSP 2018 is a conference which aims to cover all aspects of natural language and speech processing. It aims to attract contributions in basic theories and applications as well. Regular and posters sessions will be organized, in addition to keynotes presented by senior international researchers.
ICNLSP 2018 invites papers discussing the science and technology related to speech and natural language, regardless of the language studied, however works on Arabic and its dialects are encouraged.

The following list includes the topics of ICNLSP 2018 but not limited to:
Signal processing, acoustic modeling
Architecture of speech recognition system
Deep learning for speech recognition
Analysis of speech
Paralinguistics in Speech and Language
Pathological speech and language
Speech coding
Speech comprehension
Speech Translation
Speech synthesis
Speaker and language identification
Phonetics, phonology and prosody
Cognition and natural language processing
Information retrieval
Text categorization
Arabic dialects processing
Under-resourced languages: tools and corpora
New language models
Arabic OCR

Lluis Marquez, Principal scientist, QCRI, Qatar
Gérard Chollet, Emeritus CNRS researcher, France
Djamel Bouchaffra, Professor, CDTA, Algeria

Mourad Abbas, CRSTDLA, Algeria
Ahmed Abdelali, QCRI, Qatar
Mohamed Afify, Microsoft, Egypt
Mansour Alghamdi, KACST, Saudi Arabia
Daoud Berkani, ENP, Algeria
Djamel Bouchaffra, CDTA, Algeria
Gérard Chollet, CNRS, France
Kareem Darwish, QCRI, Qatar
Mohamed Elfeky, Google Inc., USA
Lluis Marquez, QCRI, Qatar
Preslav Nakov, QCRI, Qatar
Ahmed Rafea, American University in Cairo, Egypt
Otakar Smrz, Džám-e Džam Language Institute, Czech Republic
Rudolph Sock, University of Strasbourg, France
Stephan Vogel, QCRI, Qatar
Marcos Zampieri, University of Cologne, Germany

Papers must be submitted via the online paper submission system Easychair.
Each submitted paper will be reviewed by three program committee members.

Dr. Mourad Abbas
General Chair
Computational Linguistics department, crstdla

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