The ACM SIGMETRICS conference solicits papers on the development and application of state-of-the-art, broadly applicable analytic, simulation and measurement-based performance evaluation techniques. The conference provides a high-quality single-track forum for presenting results and discussing ideas that further our knowledge and understanding of the measurement, modeling, analysis, and design of computing and networked systems. Of particular interest is work that presents new performance evaluation methods or that creatively applies previously developed methods to make predictions about, or gain insights into key design trade-offs in a variety of computing, networked, and cyber-physical systems ranging from mobile devices and Internet-of-Things (IoT) applications to large-scale cloud computing systems and the smart grid.

Papers that are accepted to appear in the conference will be published in the new journal: Proceedings of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems (POMACS).


We solicit papers describing original and previously unpublished research. Specific topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following.

Quantitative measurement, design and evaluation studies of:

   Computer and communication networks, protocols and algorithms
   Wireless, mobile, ad-hoc and sensor networks, IoT applications
   Computer architectures, multi-core processors, memory systems and storage networks
   Operating systems, file systems and databases
   Data processing
   Virtualization, data centers, distributed and cloud computing
   Mobile and personal computing systems
   Energy-efficient computing systems
   Real-time and fault-tolerant systems
   Security and privacy of computing and networked systems
   Software systems and enterprise applications
   Social networks, multimedia systems, service-oriented architectures and Web services
   Large-scale operational systems
   Cyber-physical systems, including the smart grid

Methodologies, formalisms, metrics, solution techniques and algorithms for:

   Analytical modeling techniques and model validation
   Workload characterization and benchmarking
   Performance, scalability, power and reliability analysis
   Sustainability analysis and power management
   System measurement, performance monitoring and forecasting
   Anomaly detection, problem diagnosis and troubleshooting
   Capacity planning, resource allocation, run time management and scheduling
   Quality of service, total cost of ownership and pricing
   Experimental design, statistical analysis, simulation
   Game theory, network economics, and platform design
   Machine learning, big data, and signal processing

Submission guidelines
There are three submission opportunities over the course of the year.

   Registration of abstract: July 10, 2017
   Paper submission: July 17, 2017
   Author notification: September 22, 2017

   Registration of abstract: October 16, 2017
   Paper submission: October 23, 2017
   Author notification: December 15, 2017

   Registration of abstract: February 12, 2018
   Paper submission: February 19, 2018
   Author notification: April 27, 2018

Papers may be submitted to any deadline and, upon acceptance, papers will be scheduled for publication in the Proceedings of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems (POMACS) and presentation at the ACM Sigmetrics 2018 conference. The journal publication of accepted papers will appear in the issue of POMACS immediately following acceptance; thus, before the conference for papers that are accepted at the first two submission deadlines.

Submitted papers may not exceed 12 pages in the 2-column ACM format. Figures and tables must be included within the 12 page constraint, but references may extend beyond the 12 pages. Additionally, authors may supplement their paper with an appendix. The length of the appendix is not constrained; however the appendix may only be used for the purpose of justifying the technical correctness of their claims stated in the body of the paper, e.g., the technical details needed for a proof to be self-contained or additional experimental validation.

Papers must be submitted electronically in printable pdf form via a submission site that will be posted in June.

All submissions will be reviewed using a double-blind review process. The identity of authors and referees will not be revealed to each other. To ensure double-blind reviewing, authors names and affiliations should not appear in the paper and bibliographic references should be made in such a way as to preserve author anonymity.

The Reviewing Process

The reviewing process for submissions is a hybrid of the traditional conference and journal models in computer science. There are three possible outcomes from the first round of submission:

   Accept with Shepherding: Every accepted paper will be shepherded in order to insure that important suggestions from the reviewers are incorporated into the final version of the paper. This is similar to the “Minor Revision” outcome at a journal.

   One-shot Revision: Papers where the reviewers see promise, but also issues that need to be addressed before publication will receive the option of a “One-shot revision”. This is similar to the “Major Revision” outcome at a journal. In such cases, the authors will receive a list of issues that are required to be addressed before the paper can be accepted. Authors may then resubmit the paper during one of the next two submission deadlines (possibly Sigmetrics 2019 deadlines), at which point it will be reviewed by the same reviewers. The resubmission should include an author response to the issues raised by the reviewers as part of the appendix of the paper. If the paper is not submitted within this time then any resubmission is treated as a new paper. The outcome after resubmission of a “One-shot revision” will either be “Accept with Shepherding” or “Reject”.

   Reject: If the paper is rejected it may not be resubmitted to any Sigmetrics deadline within 12-months following the initial submission of the paper.

For more information:
با جستجو در پایگاه داده‌های ویپاب، کنفرانس علمی مورد نظر خود را بیابید و یا به ثبت اطلاعات یک کنفرانس بپردازید.