Keynote Speakers:
** Prof. Ning Xi (IEEE Fellow), Chair Professor of Robotics and Automation, Director of Advanced Technologies Institute, The University of Hong Kong
** Prof. Dan Halperin (IEEE Fellow, ACM Fellow), Tel Aviv University, Israel
** Prof. Guilin Yang, Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ningbo, China
** Prof. Yan Shi, Beihang University, China

Conference Program:
September 22nd, 2023-- Conference Kits Collection 
September 23rd, 2023-- Opening Remarks and Keynote Speeches (Morning) & Paper Presentations (Afternoon)
September 24th, 2023-- Invited Speeches& Paper Presentations

Conference Secretary: Ms.Chris Zhang
Mail Address:
Tel: +86-28-6302-3585 / +86-18117807842

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