AERE 2024 Shining Points:
1.Papers submitted to AERE 2024 will be sent to reviewed by at least 2 indepentant reviewers, the accepted papers will be published into AERE 2024 conference proceedings of E3S Web of Conferences (Open Access proceedings in Environment, Energy and Earth Sciences), which will be submitted to major databases for indexing, including Scopus, CAS, etc.
2.We will have one day trip in Singapore on Octo. 27, 2024.

Conference Venue

Paper Publishing:
Papers submitted to AERE 2024 will be sent to reviewed by at least 2 indepentant reviewers, the accepted papers will be published into AERE 2024 conference proceedings of E3S Web of Conferences (Open Access proceedings in Environment, Energy and Earth Sciences), which will be submitted to major databases for indexing, including Scopus, CAS, etc.

Submission and Contact Methods
Submission Methods:
E-mail:aere@bmail.orgTel: +86-28-88220101 (Chengdu)
Conference Specialist: Ms. Echo Xiong
AERE 2024 can provide a platform for academic communication in Asia Environment and Resource Engineering Conference. For more conference information, please visit the conference website:
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