Bridges Causality Conference, September 28-29 University of Warwick

Registration is now open for the Bridges Causality Conference, an interdisciplinary conference on causality at the University of Warwick in September. The conference will explore methodologies for addressing causal questions in medicine, social science, economics, and statistics.

Confirmed invited speakers:
Francesco Cappuccio (University of Warwick)
Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine & Epidemiology
Sir David Cox (Oxford University)
Honorary Fellow Nuffield College
David Lagnado (University College London)
Professor of Experimental Psychology
Steve Pischke (London School of Economics)
Professor of Economics
Ricardo Silva (University College London)
Senior Lecturer in Statistics
Nanny Wermuth (Chalmers University)
Professor Emerita Statistics
Contributed posters and talks:

We are accepting titles and abstracts for posters and talks. If you would like to present, please submit your abstract on the registration form.

Additional information:
Please email with any additional questions regarding the conference.

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